Little Jimmy was in fourth class at his local primary school. When the teacher asked the class a question, Jimmy always knew the answer, but even though he had his hand up first, the teacher would ask some other boy what the answer was, then give the kid a jellybean. This really upset little Jimmy, so he went home and told his grandad. The old man gave Jimmy a shilling and said that he should go and buy some sweets, take them to school, and when he got the teachers question right, give himself a treat. Next day, at school, and when a quetion is asked, up goes Jimmys hand, but with such enthusiasm, that the small bag of aniseed lollies falls out of Jimmys top pocket and roll right out on to the floor in front of the teacher. The teacher looks down at them and demands, "Who's got black balls!?" Quick as a flash, Jimmy replies, "Michael Jackson. Now can I have a jelly bean!?"