My wife just reminded me of this - True , one of Zoomtopz'z real life stories . Barbara was expecting our son , she was 40 having her 1st child . I was 46 & 4th . Being a good little hubby I goes along to pre-natal classes with all the 20something . We were dutifully doing all the exercises as the midwife is telling the women all the benefits of Pelvic floor exercises . Herself to me - Oh that would be very nice Dear - You could be my pelvic floor Examiner anytime . I've lost it , cracked right up . Ok Mr Chuckles - out with it . I'm still recognized around the hospital as - The Pelvic floor Examiner Zoomtop
My wife just reminded me of this - True , one of Zoomtopz'z real life stories . Barbara was expecting our son , she was 40 having her 1st child . I was 46 & 4th . Being a good little hubby I goes along to pre-natal classes with all the 20something . We were dutifully doing all the exercises as the midwife is telling the women all the benefits of Pelvic floor exercises . Herself to me - Oh that would be very nice Dear - You could be my pelvic floor Examiner anytime . I've lost it , cracked right up . Ok Mr Chuckles - out with it . I'm still recognized around the hospital as - The Pelvic floor Examiner Zoomtop
.....And why not, pray tell me?
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......