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Post Info TOPIC: The wrestler.


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The wrestler.

Paddy, whilst wandering around the fair, comes across a tent with a bloke out front with a microphone. Next to him is a 7 foot tall man mountain called Slugger.

"Any of you brave chaps can go one three minute round with Slugger without being counted out will get a hundred bucks."

Paddy, being a bit light on with the readies, and a pretty big lad himself figures that three minutes would be a doddle so he volunteers. They kit him out with a leotard and he steps into the ring. They ring the bell and the battle commences. After a couple if minutes it is obvious that Paddy is in deep do-do. Both men are in a tangle with Paddy underneath, arms and legs everywhere. The ref starts to count Paddy out when suddenly with a mighty heave, he throws Slugger across the ring and through the ropes, out cold.

As he climbed out of the ring one of the blokes said to him, " Mate you were almost gone in there, how did you manage that?"

"Well, it's amazing the strength you get when you bite your own knackers".


Needs must when the Devil cracks the whip.


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