One light on the receiver is permanently on green and the only way to get the light to go on or off is to Press the button on the receiver twice. can anyone help me solve this problem
Have spent many hours with this problem over the years.
Basically you have to reset that channel to basic, and then reprogramme it.
This is not in the literature, can't imagine why. The deletion procedure in the
literature is to only remove one channel from a channel that might have been
programmed to work a number of light channels together.
Wont do a reset.
there is also another way but I find it a bit unpredictable.
Do this:
Permanently on means FAULTY.
Press and hold till green - hold - flashes red - pull out connector - wait a few secs -
press and hold on - (may hear a soft click) - continue hold and reconnect plug -
continue hold till red flash - release immediately.
Slight pause between actions - don't rush.
Green light will be off - if not, try again. I cut the knob off the catch on the connector to
enable easy removal, otherwise its a bit of a squeeze with the finger to release.
Now reprogram that channel as normal and don't forget to program to the common "OFF'
button at the door. All channels are for convenience, and if you choose, programmed to
that button for when you want to leave.