I am having trouble removing the grub screws from the awning arm in order to replace the sliding unit. Does any one know what size Allen key would fit? If indeed it is an Allen key and not some other special fitting sent to render me insane.
Just found out. I teased one out with pliers and it is indeed a square hole, why I have no idea, although miss google mentions that "Robertson bits" are used in Canada the photo came out bigger than I thought, there are also apparently square Allen keys.
They are fair mongrels, I have some in an opening vergola type awning, your local bolt bloke should have a bit to suit, there are a few different sizes.
Job done. Got a 100 pc. craft right screwdriver set from running $12.50 but it does have another 99 heads in every conceivable shape and in a sturdy box. Thank you all for helping.
Someone always knows what you do not but if you do not ask they will not tell you.