Having been dully diligent and compliant with ALL the polava(sp?) put out by Swift, ACCC ETC AND registered on the SWIFT Register, we have received nix, nil, nata, nuffin about our stove, model and what to do with it, about it.
SO MUCH for being a Law abiding, serious member of society. A friend with similar age van who does NOT have an electric plate on their Swift stove made a nuisance of themselves and kept on telephoning to force a response that their stove was before a certain date and as it did not have an electric plate was not involved in all the polava. So much for ALL the beaurocracy, regulators, stiff shirts sitting in over paid high public service positions making decisions which make the lives of decent citizens rebellious.
Cheers - Ian
I slowly realise as I get older that I am definitely NOT the fastest rat in the race.
Also the older I get the more I realise I do not know.