Just perhaps some of those people that passed you on the road may well have been signalling distress and you just ignored them thinking they were being over friendly.
Maybe they were trying to let you know that Yobarr was up ahead at a rest stop boring the absolute ar$e of everyone and all that saved you was the fact you did not pull over for a break but continued on.
Remember Mike, on a clear day if you look hard enough into the distance and observe the curvature of the Earth, you can see the back of your own head.
"Remember Mike, on a clear day if you look hard enough into the distance and observe the curvature of the Earth, you can see the back of your own head."
Now there's something worth giving some thoughts to.........
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
HaHa. Harley riders always nod to other feet first riders. If you are on a crotch rocket no nod. Still is that way. The way of the universe. Stay safe.
Mans greatest invention is bourbon. The cart and the wheel were invented to transport the corn and barley to the distillery.
When we started out in the BigRig we used to wave at just about anything, even caravanners and wizzzbangers and of course more than a few puzzled delivery truck drivers. Got up to the Kimberlies and came across a huge roadblock manned by the riot squad from Perth and with shotguns at the ready. All ended amicably but it turned out we had been leaving a trail of death and destruction behind us because those RV - Inferiors just couldn't handle the shock of being acknowledged by their superiors and were running off the road in shock and awe.
The police made us promise to never wave at anyone on the road ever again so we don't.
Yes of course people wave to us, sometimes frantically in a pathetic attempt to attain recognition, no matter how shallow and fleeting, so I guess we are still leaving a trail of damage behind us because poor unfullfilled people are suffering rage, elevated blood pressure and strokes and heart attacks.
Can't win!