Where are the best places to see the benefits of the recent rain/flooding. Planning (very loosely ) to go from sydney west and then north and return via coast.
Hill End, about 75 km north of Bathurst is always worth a visit this time of year. the countryside has greened up very nicely with the rain and there are some great views to be had over the country side .
There are 2 roads that you can take from Bathurst to get there. If towing a van I would recomend the Turon dale Road as apposed to the road that takes you to Sofala The hills that you have to climb and decent are far less steep on the Turondale road. Both roads are fully sealed and in good condition.
Hill End has a camp ground run by NPWS and you will need to book online. The town has the basics available , a great pub seving meals and there is a general store/ cake across the road that has a good selection of takeaway or eat in food.
Also being an old gold minning town there is lots to see from the gold rush era.
Maybe out to Condobolin via Bathurst, Orange, Parkes, then Lake Cargelligo, up the Kidman Way to Cobar, east to Nyngan, Narromine, Dubbo, Orange Bathurst & back to Sydney.
From my experience after flooding in Outback NSW/QLD take a face net for flies & plenty of insect repellent.