Hi , was hoping to find out why the usually loud engine noise coming out of our bt50 snorkle suddenly stopped . We were on on way back from the rough Macallister river area when all a sudden the noise stopped , at the top of the hill we pulled over and everything still seemed to be connected. Any ideas /theories would be great . thanks in advance ,peter.
ps-- drove back to melbourne ( 5 hours) and the quiet was great but a worry.
Maybe flash from moulding due to cheap poorly made Chinese rubbish and has eventually brocken off due to air oscillation due to lack of air flow design & got sucked into filter air box. Look between the air filter folds for filtered swarf. You will be surprised what you find buried in the filter. We carry a spare air filter when we travel.
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Your snorkel noise, or lack of, could be attributed to either dust or vibration, particularly as you where in rough terrain. Blocked filters would reduce the air flow through the snorkel hence reducing the noise. Higher fuel consumption and a decrease in engine power would be an indication. Vibration could cause a separation of joins or cracks in the snorkel pipework resulting in air entering the system there rather than the snorkel inlet. You may have to check inside the front wheel guard where the snorkel enters the engine bay.
The air velocity in the snorkel can cause a drumming noise at the snorkel inlet. It depends on the size and length of the pipework and the number of restrictions in the system. The snorkel on my old 4.2 ltr GQ patrol made a slight noise but it did have a primary and secondary air filter in the system which reduced the air velocity somewhat.
Or remove it, you'll never wade through water that deep and don't go on about getting less dust with the snorkel intake a little higher than the standard set up.