Please be more specific. Although I can't lay claim to the excel sheet I would like to know what's wrong with the methodology??
Or is it the weigh bridge method?
Perhaps a few here will learn about physics from an expert.
Whilst never have I claimed to be an expert,I thank you for your kind words,as I understand that never would you dream of being sarcastic? Apart from the "weigh bridge method" being inaccurate,as you acknowledge,had you been actually reading my previous posts on the subject,rather than just looking at them, the flawed methodology would be abundantly clear.One never will learn if one persistently, consistently and repetitively disputes information that is provided by others who do know what they're talking about.Cheers
Please be more specific. Although I can't lay claim to the excel sheet I would like to know what's wrong with the methodology??
Or is it the weigh bridge method?
Perhaps a few here will learn about physics from an expert.
Whilst never have I claimed to be an expert,I thank you for your kind words,as I understand that never would you dream of being sarcastic? Apart from the "weigh bridge method" being inaccurate,as you acknowledge,had you been actually reading my previous posts on the subject,rather than just looking at them, the flawed methodology would be abundantly clear.One never will learn if one persistently, consistently and repetitively disputes information that is provided by others who do know what they're talking about.Cheers
Hi Yabarr,
Thanks for your reply.
BUT, again I ask for all those reading. Please explain what is WRONG with the methodology?
We await your knowledgeable and expert reply. Please be clear about what it is. After all I don't want to miss-lead people and create an un-safe situation, do we.
Please be more specific. Although I can't lay claim to the excel sheet I would like to know what's wrong with the methodology??
Or is it the weigh bridge method?
Perhaps a few here will learn about physics from an expert.
Whilst never have I claimed to be an expert,I thank you for your kind words,as I understand that never would you dream of being sarcastic? Apart from the "weigh bridge method" being inaccurate,as you acknowledge,had you been actually reading my previous posts on the subject,rather than just looking at them, the flawed methodology would be abundantly clear.One never will learn if one persistently, consistently and repetitively disputes information that is provided by others who do know what they're talking about.Cheers
Hi Yabarr,
Thanks for your reply.BUT, again I ask for all those reading. Please explain what is WRONG with the methodology?
We await your knowledgeable and expert reply. Please be clear about what it is. After all I don't want to miss-lead people and create an un-safe situation, do we.
Could I point out to you that never do I miss-lead (presumably 'mislead') people,and never do I create an un-safe (presumably 'unsafe' ) situation.All I ever do is offer assistance,but for my advice to be of any use,it needs to be read ,not simply 'looked at'. Had you been reading my previous posts,you would not need to ask me to to explain to you what is wrong with the methodology. Your post where you said you'd been "meaning to do this for a long time" suggests that the chart may have been your creation,but now that I have questioned its validity,you seem to have quickly back pedalled? Look more closely at how ATM is claimed to be reached,and consider the effects of the "cure it all" WDH.Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Saturday 5th of February 2022 08:03:20 PM
Putting words into peoples mouths again, you seem to have made a career of this. Or is that just an amateurish attempt to discredit me? Well you failed again. I didn't take credit for the excel sheet I did the "method" with the tables. (its not a chart by the way) So nobody is back pedaling my friend.
Or perhaps you just don't know the difference between a spread sheet and a document with a very simple set of tables?
Now I am going to make it even easier show all of us what is wrong with the ATM method. The definition is clear. Van on weigh bridge including axles and the jockey.
Therefore TBW (as weighed at jockey) + GTM = ATM
You didn't get much right above, regarding my "back pedaling" try and get your "correction" of my method right.
-- Edited by oldbloke on Sunday 6th of February 2022 08:51:06 AM
It was not I that referred to this document as an 'excel sheet',which you now refer to as a 'very simple set of tables'. As I have previously said,the physics behind the flawed methodology have been outlined many times in my previous posts on WDH topics.Had you actually read these posts,it would be abundantly clear to you what the fault is.Because some seem to have an inability to actually read posts and understand the physics involved,many are misled by sheets/charts/tables such as the one you have supplied.As stated earlier,these may be of use to those who are in the early stages of learning about weights and physics,the methodology is flawed.As someone who customarily disputes anything I post,despite being happy to accept my advice,via PM,some time ago,you should be able to easily identify the faults.To give you a clue,it revolves around the way that ATM has been calculated.Sort it.Also,I would be interested to learn how you can independently weigh,on a weighbridge,the rear axle of a car that has a van attached? Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Sunday 6th of February 2022 07:06:30 AM
Good onya Chief. Now to just help my mate out. A "chart" is a map, usually ocean related or a statistical graph. These can be in many forms but line and bar graphs are the more common.
Ah,the old "When in doubt throw in a Red Herring" trick.Who cares if it is referred to as a 'chart',a 'spread sheet',an 'excel sheet',a 'map',a 'graph' or a God Damned 'Picture',as long as it does what it was designed to do.Never mind,when logic has confused,a Red Herring is always a great way to attempt to save face.When discussing things that you don't really understand, despite the bravado,it is often wise to simply look and learn.Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Saturday 5th of February 2022 10:05:23 PM
Good onya Chief. Now to just help my mate out. A "chart" is a map, usually ocean related or a statistical graph. These can be in many forms but line and bar graphs are the more common.
Looks like my IAG shares
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Upon re-reading my set of tables this morning I realised I simply forgot to about disconnecting the WDH when checking ATM. (silly me) A simple omission that would give a false measurement on the weigh bridge. So I have made that correction. I hope its correct now as it's difficult to find good clear and easy to follow information on this subject.
If anyone does not find it easy to follow or errors please feel free to PM me with your suggestions. Criticism without suggestions for improvement or explanation is of course counter productive. Feel free to use it or pass it on.
I have also attached the excel spread sheet again as I have found it very useful. I'll repeat this is not my work.
Another correction. Yobarr has never PM'd or insisted me as he claims. And due to his very poor grammar I find his rambling impossible to understand. I guess he will eventually learn what paragraphs and spaces are.
Upon re-reading my set of tables this morning I realised I simply forgot to about disconnecting the WDH when checking ATM. (silly me) A simple omission that would give a false measurement on the weigh bridge. So I have made that correction. I hope its correct now as it's difficult to find good clear and easy to follow information on this subject.
If anyone does not find it easy to follow or errors please feel free to PM me with your suggestions. Criticism without suggestions for improvement or explanation is of course counter productive. Feel free to use it or pass it on.
I have also attached the excel spread sheet again as I have found it very useful. I'll repeat this is not my work.
Another correction. Yobarr has never PM'd or insisted me as he claims. And due to his very poor grammar I find his rambling impossible to understand. I guess he will eventually learn what paragraphs and spaces are.
Later today,if I get time,I will respond to this waffle,but in the mean time,perhaps this screen shot will help your apparently faulty,or perhaps selective memory? Oh,and well done on eventually noticing one of the errors in your spread sheet,something that would have been glaringly obvious to someone with ANY knowledge of weights.But at least,by then,you'd already back-pedalled to distance yourself from the original "set of tables". Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Monday 7th of February 2022 06:27:03 AM
Upon re-reading my set of tables this morning I realised I simply forgot to about disconnecting the WDH when checking ATM. (silly me) A simple omission that would give a false measurement on the weigh bridge. So I have made that correction. I hope its correct now as it's difficult to find good clear and easy to follow information on this subject.
If anyone does not find it easy to follow or errors please feel free to PM me with your suggestions. Criticism without suggestions for improvement or explanation is of course counter productive. Feel free to use it or pass it on.
I have also attached the excel spread sheet again as I have found it very useful. I'll repeat this is not my work.
Another correction. Yobarr has never PM'd or insisted (probably you mean "assisted"?) me as he claims. And due to his very poor grammar I find his rambling impossible to understand. I guess he will eventually learn what paragraphs and spaces are.
This screen shot may refresh your memory. If you choose to prevaricate,having a good memory is a prerequisite.Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Monday 7th of February 2022 06:21:26 AM
Great to see that both you and Doug are taking an interest in this,and that it may be of some help to both you,and others. However,could I say that it becomes a little monotonous having to repeatedly defend my assertions about the actions of a WDH against attacks by wanna-bes who don't really know what they're talking about. "Look and learn" comes to mind.There is at least one other error in the table,which does at least give beginners a chance to understand their weights. Fellow GN KevinJ (Kevin Jut) also spent much time creating an easy to use calculation table,which probably can be accessed,using the "search" function on this site.Then there are the childish attacks on my grammar.Whilst my postings may not be the "Queen's English" always I keep things as simple as I can,making it easier for readers to understand.For the record,I achieved an "A+" pass for English,Physics and Advanced Mathematics when I sat my matriculation exams for entry to a major University, some years ago. Cheers.
-- Edited by yobarr on Monday 7th of February 2022 10:54:56 AM