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Post Info TOPIC: Novak Djokovic covid exemption - boycott the Open

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Novak Djokovic covid exemption - boycott the Open
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Last I heard 77% of the population agreed he should be send on his way...

Will email the Ministers office in the morning...for what its worth.
I wonder if they take any notice of them though??
Surely they must read the news, see internet comment, along with media reports and be able to guage the feelings of the people who elected them to office and act on it.

Or am I living in fairyland to think that ?


Des and Jane

Rockingham W.A.


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I'm wondering what the Serbian government has got to say now about Novax not following his own countries isolation procedures. He has clearly broken those laws without any consideration to those he mingled with. What makes you think he has any regards for other countries laws and regulations.



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Novak Djokovic: Newsreaders caught in expletive-laden rant:

"Novak Djokovic is a lying, sneaky [expletive]," Maddern says during the conversation, which was not broadcast on television.

While there was shock at the sharp language, many social media users have thrown their support behind the newsreaders.

"Thank you for speaking what we are all thinking about," wrote one Twitter user. "Is it too late to nominate Rebecca Maddern and Mike Amor for Australians of the year?" said another.

Australian TV writer Colin Vickery tweeted that he "can't see this hurting Mike Amor or Rebecca Maddern's reputations".


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Sworn affidavit given to the Federal Circuit Court in support of his case show that Djokovic stated that he " tested
& diagnosed on Dec 16th".
He has now misled the Federal Court, what's the next fictitious statement to come?




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Dorian, lawyers act on the instructions of their client. This lawyer stated that although his client conceded that procedural fairness had not been offered, his client had not conceded the other issues. They were still live. The case did not get past the first point of appeal because it collapsed with that concession from the Government. The other issues still remain undetermined.

I am no fan of Djokovic. I don't know him personally so I cannot comment on that aspect but I don't like how he portrays himself. I don't particularly like tennis either. The only entertaining part is when some player gets a dud call and then proceeds to give his racquet a good seeing to on the ground. My opinion, for what it is worth is that he should never have been given a visa to begin with. Some of our citizens have been stuck overseas for years and denied entry yet this bloke and his entourage just waltz in because they play tennis. If what is being raised now as to his alleged misstatements on his visa application then he should be given an opportunity to respond to these claims and if his explanation is not forthcoming or adequate, he should be punted.

None of these issues have been addressed as yet due to a border force officer, acting on who knows prompting, decided to take him from a plane, put him into isolation, interrogate him for over seven hours in a language that is not his first, refuse his request for consular and legal assistance or even to contact Tennis Australia and then cancel his visa at 7.40am before any consulate, legal office of administration centre is even open for business. Look at the documents, they are all online. Thirty pages of interrogation.

We love to tell the world about how great and free this country is. We stick it to China and other countries about their breaches of civil rights. Imagine if you went to another country and were treated this way. Would you just say, "fair enough, I had a good hearing, I understand the position" I don't think so. If this was Roger or Raphael then the whole country would be in uproar. This guy is universally disliked so was a good target. Like all the other efforts, it is like those coyote and road runner cartoons, this time with the ACME Border Force. It ends up with the pained look on the face just before it all blows up in their face.

This is a total embarrassing  mess that could have been avoided. First the visa should not have been issued. Secondly, if it was, then he could have been given an opportunity to go to his accommodation and contact the necessary people so that he could respond. What did they think he was going to do? Go to the local tennis club and claim asylum? A bit of forethought and he would not have had a leg to stand on in any court challenge. He got over the first hurdle because of our Government's own stupidity and ham fistedness.

I see their intentions are now getting leaked to some of their sympathisers in the media. This is to test the public response and calculate if there are a few votes in it.

What an appalling mess we see and then just turn and walk by. If we do, this is the standard we accept and eventually will receive ourselves.

-- Edited by DMaxer on Thursday 13th of January 2022 09:05:55 AM

-- Edited by DMaxer on Thursday 13th of January 2022 10:20:31 AM



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@DMaxer, thank you for your explanation. It's hard not to agree with most of what you say. However, Federer is double vaccinated and, unlike Djokovic, would not dream of putting others at risk. That's why he is almost universally liked and Djokovic is disliked.

Roger Federer said he received the COVID-19 vaccine. The Swiss admitted having received Pfizer doses and HE commented: "I am happy to have been able to do this with all the trips I do. I don't want to harm someone else.

We must be careful and be very careful."

"I did it mainly for others"



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Were the Results of a Positive PCR Test Manipulated?

Tennis star Novak Djokovic claims that he tested positive for the coronavirus on Dec. 16. But the digital test result suggests otherwise. This and a suspected false statement could create new visa problems for the athlete in Australia.

The Serbian testing system, as is normal for such programs, assigns an identification number to every test. The number for Djokovic's positive test, allegedly taken on Dec. 16, is 7371999. But for the negative test taken on Dec. 22, the identification number is 50,000 spots lower.

"We could reconstruct that these ID numbers are assigned consecutively," say IT experts with zerforschung, a German group of digital sleuths that has examined IT security loopholes in test systems on several occasions. The group has also taken a closer look at the process relating to Djokovic's digital test certificates.

Their findings indicate that, according to the ID numbers attached to the Serbian test results, the negative test was performed prior to the positive test and entered into the database. Not the other way around, as Djokovic's lawyers claim and as the Serbian health documents would seem to indicate at first glance.

-- Edited by dorian on Thursday 13th of January 2022 09:45:03 AM


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

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Looks like the longer Novax Jerkoffabit's case is looked into, the more it is looking like it's all been lies, deception and irresponsible action from him. But the longer it goes also looks like the less chance he get deported.

But see Dan is keeping quiet about things he said last year regarding those that choose not to get vaccinated and what they can expect. Think it went " those not vaccinated don't expect to carry on like the vaccinated. It won't happen. Conditions of entry to players, workers and public into the venue have to be vaccinated".  Well looks like Dan is true to his words. Being a politician his words are just that and mean absolutely nothing. Seems like he can lie just as much as Novax, and get away with it as we.

-- Edited by Corndoggy on Thursday 13th of January 2022 11:02:48 AM

-- Edited by Corndoggy on Thursday 13th of January 2022 11:03:22 AM


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Good to see you back DMaxer.....I hope it's more than a brief return.




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Same here! well said Collo


I reserve the right to arm bears :)


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Good on ya DMaxer , I"M with you. clap.gifclap.gif


Blues man.


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Strewth. I don't understand why it is taking so long for the Minister to make a decision. The work experience kid took less than 7 hours and had it done and dusted prior to his knock off time at 8.30am.

I think there is probably someone that might be able to lend a hand. Dr John Kunkel is our beloved leader's top man. The good Dr was previously employed at a top mining company as their government liaison officer and then as deputy head of the Australian Minerals Council. This top mining company is presently in delicate negotiations with Serbia regarding the mining of their lithium.  I guess that's got nothing to do with tennis though so probably a dumb idea. Forget about that one.

Anyone for tennis?



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DMaxer wrote:

Strewth. I don't understand why it is taking so long for the Minister to make a decision. The work experience kid took less than 7 hours and had it done and dusted prior to his knock off time at 8.30am.

I think there is probably someone that might be able to lend a hand. Dr John Kunkel is our beloved leader's top man. The good Dr was previously employed at a top mining company as their government liaison officer and then as deputy head of the Australian Minerals Council. This top mining company is presently in delicate negotiations with Serbia regarding the mining of their lithium.  I guess that's got nothing to do with tennis though so probably a dumb idea. Forget about that one.

Anyone for tennis?

 Oh No!!

Not the real story emerging.

I am not surprised the actual truth may eventually ooze from the bowels of our government.disbelief




Chairman of the Bored


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Let's hope that Serbia doesn't sacrifice their economic prosperity for the sake of some brat with a tennis racquet.


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 


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Now if they can't get it right and send the turd packing after all this time we are a world joke. And I have to wonder where the hell do they send him. He is an unvaccinated traveller. Not that I care where he goes, so long as he goes. Do they send him back to the last country his came from. Wouldn't that put him in Spain? Pity it looks like Spain isn't investigating him. He can go back to Serbia to a super hero welcome.

-- Edited by Corndoggy on Friday 14th of January 2022 04:52:08 PM



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 This just appeared on my IPad. He might just be going home





Chairman of the Bored


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Here is the link.




Chairman of the Bored


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A major announcement and released at 6pm on a Friday. That should get everyones attention. This should be hilarious!



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This should get the issues surrounding covid, RATS and the supply issues off the front page. Going well, arent we.



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If Novax appeals and wins, can Hawke cancel his visa a third time?


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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Strictly speaking yes but usually they just appeal. I would imagine Novak will appeal this decision, he will get a stay until it is heard and our beloved leader can blame lawyers and courts for interfering in his strong borders. Unless he has had enough, Novak will play in the Open and then leave and the final decision will just be academic,


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Would think the visa is cancelled he doesn't get to go about his business as usual. Playing in the tournament is business as usual. Who has ever had their visa cancelled and let go to do what they want with no visa and let's sort it out later attitude. No visa, held in detention until its sorted out. If he is held and wins a court case expect a massive law suit for damages and loss of prize monies. The prick wins either way.

-- Edited by Corndoggy on Friday 14th of January 2022 09:35:24 PM



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Plenty of nets at the Christmas Island facilities.


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In a few months a boycott of all Australia sports for years and new politicians to blame. I can clearly see the forward planning, smart move!


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If Djokovic had any integrity he would leave voluntarily - if he's deported I sincerely hope he is banned for three years.

A good and probably inevitable decision by Hawke earlier to cancel his visa, let us now hope the courts don't think they run Australia's immigration policy rather than government - if they do then the law needs to be changed to ensure they don't.

A damning piece from The Age on Tennis Australia



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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I have written to the minister and referred him to the article in Der Spiegel which questions the authenticity of Djokovic's COVID test results.

Here are two screen shots of the same test, but with different results. The first is negative, which would have invalidated Novax's medical exemption, but one hour later the same test shows a positive result.

Screenshot taken on Monday at 1:19 p.m. (CET):

Screenshot taken on Monday at 2:33 p.m. (CET):


"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - died 78 BC 



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What a totally avoidable mess we now have. As the minister has cancelled his visa the appeal is much more narrow. It really only needs to be shown that the minister has not acted outside his jurisdiction or denied natural justice and the appeal fails. The correctness of the decision is not the test. Surprisingly, it seems the minister is not relying on Novak being unvaccinated, not relying on him being a health risk and not relying on errors, intentional or otherwise, in the visa applications. It seems the ruling was made on the basis of a threat to public order if allowed to stay.

In the brief submissions made last night, counsel for the minister conceded that the minister had not read all the submissions before making his ruling. That will leave the door slightly open for Novak's lawyers. A cynical person would think they are doing what is popular and hoping they lose so they can blame the courts.

If he gets booted it would not matter if some kid from a country town in Australia managed to get through the play offs, into the tournament and went on to win the final using his grandfather's wooden 1946 Slazenger racquet whilst wearing sandshoes borrowed from the neighbour whilst his widowed mother and eleven siblings listened to the event on a transistor radio under a tree whilst nursing the family cat. It will just be remember for this shambles with the winner having an asterix next to his name to show that Novak was not playing.

The courts don't run the policy Mike but they have constitutional power to ensure that the government get it right and act fairly. Would you really like to live in a country where the politicians have the final say without challenge?

-- Edited by DMaxer on Saturday 15th of January 2022 08:43:54 AM



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DMaxer wrote:

The courts don't run the policy Mike but they have constitutional power to ensure that the government get it right and act fairly. Would you really like to live in a country where the politicians have the final say without challenge?

I have indeed done so Dmaxer.

Judges and the courts are not the wise benovelent uncle you sometimes portray; judges, invariably, have their own agenda which is not always put aside - ask George Pell and Andrew Bolt.

Also I don't get to vote for judges and their appointment process doubtless involves a degree of whispering behind closed doors and the removal of one can be all but impossible in certain circumstances.

The administration and the courts are, on the whole, a good balance but not a perfect one and I *do not* want courts making public policy that is why I vote for politicians who, if I don't like what they do, I can vote out a few years later.

I am unconvinced the legal system and especially "ambulance chasing" lawyers have done anything to distinguish themselves by their involvement with country shopping would-be migrants, public sentiment is clear in this area and is simply being thawted by these people - they are trying to make policy.



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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You do realise that the parliament makes statutory law and the courts make what is known as the common law, don't you Mike? Just about all of civil law is found in the common law with a few criminal matters as well.  In respect of statutory laws this has been going in the UK since Magna Carta in 1215 with the common law being in existence since 1066 in the UK. This legal system has been here since 1788 so I think you might have a little problem arguing against its validity.

The alternative that you prefer was all the rage in Germany between 1930 and 1945 and still survives in North Korea. I can't really see it taking off here no matter how hard some people or groups try.




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story coming out that novax has a diplomatic passport

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