And one well liked Townsville weather forecaster died that way a few years ago - working under his car on his day off & something slipped.
A neighbour's son was crushed in a mining company's workshop in Rockhampton - not a nice way to die. Taking short cuts with safety is never a good idea. One good thing with towing a van means there are a few more blocks of wood to use for stabilising jacks.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
And one well liked Townsville weather forecaster died that way a few years ago - working under his car on his day off & something slipped. A neighbour's son was crushed in a mining company's workshop in Rockhampton - not a nice way to die. Taking short cuts with safety is never a good idea. One good thing with towing a van means there are a few more blocks of wood to use for stabilising jacks.
Hmmm. Trying to think of a NICE way to die..... ;)
2008 Landcruiser single cab chassis, 2.7m tray. (Sad to part with the 2005 Isuzu, tho)
And one well liked Townsville weather forecaster died that way a few years ago - working under his car on his day off & something slipped. A neighbour's son was crushed in a mining company's workshop in Rockhampton - not a nice way to die. Taking short cuts with safety is never a good idea. One good thing with towing a van means there are a few more blocks of wood to use for stabilising jacks.
I have self leveling . It lifts the tyres off the ground . But I ALWAYS use a stand when working under . Ive often looked at hydraulic legs and thought of bolting / fitting a strong bar or limiter there so if it drops ? It doesnt drop enough to crush anyone!! Especially once the wheels are taken off !!