An important and relevant question our parliament will have to debate:
Who pays the Checker?
There are important questions to be answered about recent LGBT bathroom legislation and whether transgender people will be permitted to use a restroom of the gender that they "identify" with or be required to use the restroom of their biological gender.
If the latter, would public restrooms be required to have a Genital Inspection Station at the entrance to all public restrooms?
Who will have to pay these Politically Correct Restroom Service Inspectors, better known as Pecker Checkers? The people using the restroom, or the entity that owns the restroom?
And how much money will a Pecker Checker be paid to check peckers or otherwise?
Or, do we pay a Pecker Checker by the number of peckers checked?
How many Peckers can a Pecker Checker check if a Pecker Checker could check Peckers?
What has this country come to when the relevant Health Departments have to create a new job description of Politically Correct Restroom Service Inspectors?