An elderly Grey Nomad took his 22-year-old stripper girlfriend to the most expensive jewelry shop in Sydney about 15 minutes before they closed last Friday evening.
The girlfriend ooed and ahhed over many of the items.
A salesman asked if he could help the elderly nomad as he wanted to see a nice ring for his girlfriend.
The sales clerk brought out 3 rings that valued between $2,000 and $3,000. The old grey nomad said none of this would do and to bring out his best jewelry.
The clerk returned with 4 rings priced between $10,00 and $40,000.
They were all lovely. Beautiful and perfect in every way.
The Grey Nomad turned to his girlfriend and told her to pick what she wanted.
Of course, she selected the $40,000 ring.
The Grey Nomad said that would be fine and he would just write a check for it.
By this time the banks had closed and the clerk said he was sorry but he would have the verify the funds before he could release the ring.
No problem the grey nomad said just put the ring on hold and he would be back Monday and pick it up.
Monday the Grey Nomad returned to the jewelry store to find the clerk very irate. The clerk stated that his check would not clear.
The Grey Nomad stated he knew that.
But, just imagine the weekend I had in the caravan he said.