I have had a an EML file sent to me this morning. It is so I can write in how much Solar watts I am currently making at a fixed time each day for 7 days. As this is a newly replaced under warranty system, but it looks like something has failed again, and I am only getting 5.5 watts instead of 1.7kw under full sun. I cannot write to this file, to add the info, as it wont accept it. I have tried everything to do it. Any ideas? My system is a windows 10, but I have never added an Office suite to it at all. The computer is only really very basic. Used to go on the net and view web pages. I can get an email, of course, but rarely do I have write capabilities, if I have to reply on that email. Not computer savvy, and they don't send these forms out in the mail at all. I also do not have a printer, as their has not been any need for one. Have tried to use my computer to print using our Council supplied little library here to print, but my computers operating system, is not supported on the council's system.
I finally opened it, but their is no tool to fill out the questionaire on the file, so after loading the EML SYS Tool no action can be done as I chatted with the tool company, and they said An EML file is read only. I think it is Origins way of avoiding repairing the solar system. I have had 4 invertors fail( a rubbish made invertor). Have a different Invertor now, but 3 months ago, 3 solar panels failed. So origin replaced them recently, now the whole system is only generating 5.5 watts, and the operator said this was normal for a full sun reading. I guess like me they have had enough. Fair Trading I will be ringing tomorrow.
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 6th of July 2021 04:23:55 PM
Sorry to hear about your solar issues - sounds like a real bugga :(
Regarding "office" type software ...... download a free copy of Open Office software -> it's a copycat version of Office from several years ago with easy to follow drop-down menus. You get equivalent bits and pieces for word + excel + access + powerpoint + others not in the MS Office package
Hope this helps
-- Edited by Ozzie_Traveller on Thursday 8th of July 2021 09:50:13 AM