Guess what everyone. Census time is 10th August, 2021. There are lots of job vacancies if you are interested on Enquiries also to 1300233445 or email I have never worked at/on a census so don't know what it's like. Just thought I'd put it out there as some of you may be interested plus where will you be on census day?
Be interesting to see if the "on line" Cencus system is going to work this time :) Reflecting back I still smile when I recall the late great PM (Turnbull) stating "heads will roll" over that debarcle. His rolled not long after :):):)
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia.
I didn't have an issue last time. It worked as it was supposed to and was done and over with quickly. I think various forums seem to attract the negative comments and we don't hear from the people who have had a positive experience. cheers
I won't be home census night, not anywhere near, a town or village, will be deep in the bush. I don't believe in filling out the rubbish. It's like they own you, and if you fill it out, you agree with that statement.
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Friday 30th of April 2021 05:21:29 PM
If you don't fill in the census then don't complain when the gov does something you don't agree with.
They base a lot of infrastructure etc on the data they get.