Hi. I was looking at the overwhelming range of off road vans and a couple of Carrera vans caught my eye.
Mainly because $60,000 is a lot less than some of the others!
Does anyone have any opinions on this brand?
Hi Noel
I have not heard of that brand and it is not common so I would be wary of it being rated as an off road van .Most of the expensive off road vans are built to take all the shaking and corrugated roads as well as having all the gear needed for living off the grid.Pay close attention to the internal joinery ,the chassis,exterior finish in the joins(silicon)and take a brochure and tick off the items that are not on the van compared to a more costly vans.
I suppose at half the price you could get one and flog the daylights out of it and trade on a new one .
2017 dmax lovells upgrade full CSM trade aluminium canopy,3.5 m quintrex tinny and rear boat loader mangrove jack aluminium trailer
Cheers John.
I really don't plan on doing the Gibb River Road or Tanami corrugations but I certainly will do some dirt road driving and a week off grid here and there.
Hi. I was looking at the overwhelming range of off road vans and a couple of Carrera vans caught my eye.
Mainly because $60,000 is a lot less than some of the others!
Does anyone have any opinions on this brand?
Thanks Noel
Hi Noel....you may have noticed that Montie,who knows much about many brands of caravan,has not commented? Read into this what you may,but seems the company has been around for only two years,and does not appear to have any sort of a dealer network? My life experience has taught me that you get what you pay for.......Good luck with your research! Cheers
We are not supposed to recommend a van on here, I don't think so anyhow, But my cousin bought a 16 ft, MDC Hibrid, offroad, 3 years ago, and proceeded to flog the heck out of it, offroad, and all that ever happened once was a faulty cupboard door hinge broke. This van he has has been everywhere and done everything. And these things are cheaper then other brands in the field of offroad vans. The name wasn't great in the early days, but much better quality today. I will be buying their version of a Hardfloor camper, if I cannot find the right Cub camper at the time.
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 16th of February 2021 03:15:57 PM
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 16th of February 2021 03:17:44 PM
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 16th of February 2021 03:20:26 PM
Check out caravannersforum.com.au. There is an dedicated owners forum there. Only a handful of owner comments but positive. Made in Australia by an ex-Lotus manufacturer, apparently. Only one Victorian dealer. A bit similar to what we have here in Hervey Bay where the local dealer gets someone to manufacture a line of vans for them and calls them Vivid Caravans.
Hi. I was looking at the overwhelming range of off road vans and a couple of Carrera vans caught my eye.
Mainly because $60,000 is a lot less than some of the others!
Does anyone have any opinions on this brand?
Hi Noel
I have not heard of that brand and it is not common so I would be wary of it being rated as an off road van .Most of the expensive off road vans are built to take all the shaking and corrugated roads as well as having all the gear needed for living off the grid.Pay close attention to the internal joinery ,the chassis,exterior finish in the joins(silicon)and take a brochure and tick off the items that are not on the van compared to a more costly vans.
I suppose at half the price you could get one and flog the daylights out of it and trade on a new one .
Good advise from above, really depends on what you are doing. Most well made vans, with some care, will traverse most roads including dirt and mild corrigations, simple rule is to drop tyre pressures(depending how rough the road is) and slow down.
If you are planning travelling the more rugged heavily corrigated roads maybe a true off road van would be more practical, the likes of Trakmaster, Kedron. Bushtracker to name just a few well known brands. Most of these start above the $100k mark so at $60k I think that tells you a bit about the Carrera!
Maybe a second option would be to checkout second hand offroaders, with $60k budget you should get a pretty decent one I would think, just not new!