A chicken walked into a public library, marched up to the desk and said, Book, book, book, book.
So, the librarian handed the bird a book, the chicken accepted it and then left.
Ten minutes later, the chicken returned, threw the book on the desk and said, Book, book, book, book.
Once again the librarian handed the chicken a book, the chicken accepted it, and then left.
Ten minutes later, the chicken was back again! It marched up to the librarian, threw the book on the desk, then said, Book, book, book, book.
The librarian handed the chicken a third book, but this time decided to follow the bird. She watched the chicken hurry down the street and stop at a pond, where there was a frog sitting on a lily pad.
The chicken showed the book to the frog, but the frog just shook its head and said, Read it, read it, read it, read it.
When I let my chickens out in the arvo, their names are Chook, whom, is a bit of a ditz, Mother whom, rules the roost, chases after the snakes, and bags all the mice, and Daggers, whom, is always late back to the pen, drags her heels all the time, but that is not the story, I want to tell you, What they do, if I am not sitting on the back porch, is just wander around the yard , scratching and pecking for food, but if I am sitting on the lounger, they come over to me, and argue, whom is going to sit on my lap. Sometimes all of them, or just one at a time, but they all have to have a go. I never taught them this, but I look after them very well and treat them with respect. They are still layers at 6 years of age. Maybe , they are returning the respect, everybody whom knows about their age, say it is unusual that the chooks are still alive, and especially still laying, but the bit about having to sit on my lap, blows everybody away. I really love these chooks.
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Friday 12th of February 2021 10:55:05 PM
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Friday 12th of February 2021 11:15:33 PM
Chooks are beautiful birds, Ric. They are really intelligent and very affectionate. We had chooks when I was younger and they would always come and sit next to us kids when we were out in the yard. Not only were they great layers they also took care of all the grubs and insects in dad's garden. They all have a lot of personality.
-- Edited by DMaxer on Saturday 13th of February 2021 08:22:42 AM
I have 10 "girls" about 2 y/o, and we get 8 to 9 eggs a day. I keep showing the one not laying the axe but she's not scared of me and still holding out.
They were rehomed from the Egg Farm in Albany, no feathers, couldn't roost etc, now they love me to death...........
Poor old chooks Possum. Our chooks were pretty smart. Even when they stopped laying they had conned my old dad into not making them next Sunday's lunch. I agree with you on the Afghan hounds but then sometimes I think that a lot of household pets that are untrainable are not that way because of not being intelligent. I think that they have their own will and independence and just can't be bothered playing our games.