Hi Trevor...it would seem that neither you nor Gary,whose post followed yours,have read and absorbed the IMPORTANT message contained in the post made today at 8.28am,by Peter.The question was indeed specific,but the OP was about to undertake an activity that is,in my opinion,both stupid and dangerous.We have neither big heads nor big egos,but we,along with others,feel that we have a moral obligation to point out to others the inherent dangers in their planned activities.Hope this helps you to understand our motives? Cheers
P.S Thanks to Orid (Peter) for the kind words in his post above.As he points out,it is only those who have little understanding of weights,and even less interest in learning,who seem to take offence with my postings? All I ask is that you learn from the message,but "Don't shoot the messenger".Cheers
-- Edited by yobarr on Wednesday 13th of January 2021 01:10:40 PM
I have read the original post several times and nowhere can i see where he says what type of tinny he has or what type of vehicle he is going to sit it on for all you know he may have a dodge ram 3500 and tow a 6x4 trailer he asked what effect it may have on the paint after it rains. I tow van with a tinny above the roof of my vehicle and i can guarantee i am both legal and safe and the paint on the roof is still fine. You dont offer advice you shove you thoughts down peoples throats wether they ask or not
yobarr, Important? in your opinion, not mine. Might be relevant in a thread about weights. "Don't shoot the messenger", how about "don't hijack someone else's thread. Cheers
If you wish to throw darts at a responder for an answer that is contray to the OP, get your facts right first.
The first reponse to the OP took the tread off track, then a few more before Yobarr made a cautionary post a weights.
I am in 100% agreement with those who point out weights and in particular balance between front and rear axles loadings, there are far too many of the caravaners that have no idea of what their rigs weigh.
I'm just as dogmatic about the use and setup of a WDH if you vehicle requires one.
Thanks for the feedback. we are still considering if it is worth it. We will be away for 2 years all going well. Lots of riverbanks out there to avoid the crowds.
So many caressed their egos to make this thread a discussion (lecture) on weights. Furthermore the stubbornness displayed - that's the way it is, I'm not going to change, paraphrasing...are you guys ever in error, ever rude?.
Boab x 2.
You guys have no information about his rig, size of dingy, motor and so on. He might not even tow a caravan!!!
Stubborn judgemental opportunist grumpies.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
A bit off-topic. Given all the hassle in the cost of dragging a tinny halfway around the country wouldn't it simply be easier and I think cheaper to simply hire a boat when you arrive. And there are also fishing charters. I think you need to do an awful lot of fishing to make it worth while.