Approx 18 mths ago when we bought our van, the toilet cassette had plenty of scale. I used a toilet treatment that broke the scale up. However I cannot recall the treatment I used. I have googled the subject and all seem to use something and let it lie overnight, the only problem is that we need to use the toilet regularly. Any ideas please?
I would first try and work out what is causing this scale build up .have been using napisan equivalent in our loo for over 8 years now and never had any buildup in the holding tank .
If it gets thick enough it will simply fall off.
Our cassette is now 16 years old and we have never seen it necessary to do anything beyond an occasional clean and lube of the seals.
Seems like you may be solving a problem that does not need solving.
Ive found polishing / waxing with Mothers type car polish the odd spray with tyre shine inside bowl ( silicone ) prevents moisture forming . The big gum tree is another option !! Be aware of the fall bears !!
We use Citric Acid from the cooking section in the Supermarket to clean the tank.
Because it's so cheap and easy to use I just put half a container of it in warm water in the tank and let it sit overnight and we don't seem to get scale and it cleans the tank very well.
After trying the Napisan (equivalent) as the tank additive we weren't happy so use the branded tank additives not expensive enough to worry about and you can often get it on special.
P.S. Auss-Kiwi they're DROP Bears.
-- Edited by Sparkster on Tuesday 1st of September 2020 04:33:35 PM
We have used 1 cup of unscented bleach same as I use
to sterilise my beer keg with nil effects on either, comes
up like brand new.
Have never had a bad batch of beer.