Why do campfire addicts leave their ash,rocks etc for the next camper to clean up especially when it sits in the middle of the only flat space available.I suspect my complaint will not change their attitude.
Why is it so many light campfires , even when its 35 -40 degree days ,?
So many people pull up and they are gathering wood before they setup the van most times .
Its a habit and a very unhealthy one , In my 15 years travelling around OZ not one of these inconsiderate people have ever asked " do you mind if I light a fire"
Yet I"m pretty sure most of these people would be alarmed and shocked if someone lit up a Cigarette within 10 meters of them .
how they stand the stench on their clothes and in the van is beyond me .
My wife has emphysema and so we have to move regularly because of campfire smoke .
Let the flames begin :)
Good morning Orid,
My wife and I, Our family are part Indigenous and are a proud people.
It is part of our culture to use fire to cook our food as our people have done forever.
We use fire to control the regrowth and generate new growth.
Before you start a trole like this, I ask you to pay a visit to the South Coast of NSW a take a look at what devastation the lack of controled fire has done to thousands of people.Their homes and livelihoods gone.
The States and Federal Governments are now listening to our people.
So many lives and millions of native animals dead.
Our respects to you wife with Emphysema.
WE Ask Cindy TO close This Blog Now Please.
Old & Grey
-- Edited by Old and Grey on Monday 17th of August 2020 08:26:29 PM
Well Ive thought of explaining the wonderfull benefits of campfires mentioned here to my wife who has emphysema, Trouble is sha has a brain,and Ido tend to bruise easily these days
Mitsubishi GLS Pajero, Jurgens Lunagazer caravan.
Also Toyota FJ Cruiser missus wont let me sell it, sigh
"Re health remember that the tribal communities in Africa etc. have fires in their huts. In Papua New Guinea when we went bush to the villages, a fire inside the hut was the norm. "
Guess you had your etes shut when you were in PNG, or you might have realised how those inside fires impacted the health of entire families especially the women and small children. And in Africa where desertification and land degradation is the direct result of wood gathering for heating and cooking. In Morocco we came across women bent double under loads of sparse shrubs plodding along the road with many kilometres to go before they reached their village.
Yes, very glamourous indeed and such ambience.
" pay a visit to the South Coast of NSW a take a look at what devastation the lack of controled fire has done to thousands of people.Their homes and livelihoods gone"
Not sure what irresponsible camp-fires have to do with bushfire, but I recall one time we were in the US, a small camfire lit by fools started one of the largest fires ever - and of course the same thing has happened here.
Camp fires are a human right since man first stood up on this planet
The way i see it, if i do not like the water, perhaps i cannot swim etc, then i choose not to go near the water, same senerio with fires, if you do not like fires, then you choose not to go near them.
Fires I can understand but WHY burn polystyrene or similar ? The smoke is terrible!! On the other hand .. We had a certain type complain about bacon being cooked on our BBQ lake near Lithgow . I tell you . I bet he wished he never complained !! Thing is complaining is only stirring some up ! Just move on !!!
Fires I can understand but WHY burn polystyrene or similar ? The smoke is terrible!! On the other hand .. We had a certain type complain about bacon being cooked on our BBQ lake near Lithgow . I tell you . I bet he wished he never complained !! Thing is complaining is only stirring some up ! Just move on !!!
I find in drums or similar burn ok . Some just seem to smoke !! Wood is wet etc or just fired up ? One big one ? But really theres no need for 50 fire places . Im
Thinking up the Bathurst mountain during the V8 racing . Weve been going for 40 years . When just litt or new wood added they smoke big time !! More so if down wind . Such is life !! More things to worry about in what others do or dont do !
I like a fire both for its use to cook food and also for its ambience. SWMBO hates the smell of smoke on my clothes.
I try to cook with the smallest fire possible & to create coals or flame with a minimum of smoke. I love siting around the campfire late at night with a cuppa (or perhaps a port or two) chatting with a mate. Never any smoke from our fires. Well, almost none.
I prefer those little devices where a small amount of kindling is placed in a firebox at the bottom of the 'kettle'. It's amazing how little wood is needed to boil the billy using these. Way back whenever our Field Staff would boil up the billy with a handful of kindling in a kero tin. The contest was to see who could boil up the quickest & with the smallest amount of kindling. The old hands would quietly gather up a small bundle of the best burning wood to do the job.
My SIL is different in that he seems to enjoy the biggest fire that he can create. On one trip he used up the full bag of firewood that I purchased, on just one night. I had intended it to last the full week.
If my family had health problems relating to smoke then I would choose camp sites away from open fires. Perhaps Caravan Parks.
BTW, I like the idea of a few drops of water in a metho stove to eliminate soot on the utensil. Must try that. (There's always a bit of gold in amongst the dross, even in a thread like this)
Edit 3 ... Link to a very simple Metho Spirit burner (similar to the ones made of tin that I remember from my childhood)
noun Ecology. the processes by which an area becomes a desert. the rapid depletion of plant life and the loss of topsoil at desert boundaries and in semiarid regions, usually caused by a combination of drought and the overexploitation of grasses and other vegetation by people.
If we are set up for an hour, a day or several days and along comes Yogi bear and sets up camp and lights a fire according so some here I'm supposed to move?
And as for humans using fires for 1000's of year may I point out that those same folks never knew the health hazards.
All I ask is for a wee bit of consideration for fellow campers.
I would love to live nextdoor to some of you fire lovers, and I dont appreciate being told to stay in a caravan park,
Maybe I should tell you guys to go live in Africa with iana and those lovely huts with horror stories lit in the middle
Imagine this,,> it is a beautiful 30 degree day , Tony next door has all his windows open to get fresh air through, his wife has just put out the washing on the line to try and get rid of the campfire smoke from their recent trip, wonderful, peacefull ,Tony is sipping a beer on his patio .
Now the nice guy next door ,(Orid}has some visitors ,so decides to light a fire in the garden , so he and friends can soak up the ambience and get the old bonding on the move ,not to mention the,the meditation value to our Health ,
I'm sure Tony and family especially wife would be very happy for Orid
Now would that make Orid an ignorant inconsiderate twit. I think so.
Now Orid gos on a trip pulls up at a lovely spot with a few other campers enjoying a beautiful 30 degree day ,peaceful, fresh air , everyone has their van widows open otherwise it gets a bit warm inside ,
come 5pm a lovely fella pulls up or worse a group, every piece of wood he can find is piled up , big fire he loves em just sits the meditating ,about ten meters away mind you because he is too hot ,moving his chair now and again as he coughs in the smoke , he couldnt care less about anyone else he has his ambience . Ok finished his meditatation , for get the ambience its getting dark ,lets get the radio out and start up the gennie . spots more wood
Now is this guy an inconsiderate twit ? Not much difference
Really some of the excuses here , are pathetic , requirement of Human society ,wood is a natural product, they burn em in the middle of huts in Africa. If he has any sense that is ?
I smile at the guy just across from me as he shuts all his windows ,sits down and lights his Pipe (natural tobacco} he smiles and looks across at the guy with the fire and probably thinks to himself .I maybe an antisocial smoker but that guy with the fire has 12x the chance of getting cancer than I have .
I'm dissapointed you people who think its your god given right to make other peoples lives miserable and unhealthy are obviously inconsiderate .
Mitsubishi GLS Pajero, Jurgens Lunagazer caravan.
Also Toyota FJ Cruiser missus wont let me sell it, sigh
We have been camping for 40yrs and there was nothing better than sitting around the campfire drinking bottles of red late into the night. I think it is time to start thinking about what we are doing with these fires. so many places we go now are like deserts because people have been scouring the land for wood to burn in their fires. The ecosystem relies on all sorts of things to survive and keep reproducing including fallen trees and limbs which is so thoughtlessly burnt by campers. It might be time to start getting over this B.S. nostalgia about sitting around camp fires and start thinking about how to preserve this great land we live in.
The irony of recent events recently at Mallacoota -
When we visited there last year we were taken by the large number of campers, and the place was nearly full, who had various versions of camp stoves from super modified converted gas bottle 'Pig Stoves' to great big washing machine or 44 gal drums all set up with big piles of firewood stacked up for ready use. Some just had a ring of stones around those fantastic vertical heavy iron rods with hooks, grills & hotplates that slid up & down or out of the way when not in use. A great variety of options. At night the whole place smelled, pleasantly to me, of camp fires & cooking. Buggar, I didn't have a stove but took lots of pictures of those that appealed to me. A guy came round during the day selling firewood & did a roaring trade.
Shortly after we got home a few months later much of the community suffered greatly from the terrible bush fires. Such a tragedy.
edit ... But keep it up Orid .. keep winding them up.
-- Edited by Cupie on Monday 17th of August 2020 02:38:32 PM
We have been camping for 40yrs and there was nothing better than sitting around the campfire drinking bottles of red late into the night. I think it is time to start thinking about what we are doing with these fires. so many places we go now are like deserts because people have been scouring the land for wood to burn in their fires. The ecosystem relies on all sorts of things to survive and keep reproducing including fallen trees and limbs which is so thoughtlessly burnt by campers. It might be time to start getting over this B.S. nostalgia about sitting around camp fires and start thinking about how to preserve this great land we live in.
Regardless of what our opinions are its only a matter of time before the various authorities will make the decision for us. So maybe this thread will become all a waste of forum space.
I'll repeat again. All I want is for campers to consider others be it with smoke, noise or whatever.
I'm dissapointed you people who think its your god given right to make other peoples lives miserable and unhealthy are obviously inconsiderate .
There are those among us who seem to think the world needs to accommodate their every whim and foible, most people do their best to consider the needs of others.
If smoke is a major problem perhaps you need to reassess your recreational choices and or destinations.