Atherton Tablelands gets a wintery,drizzly blast from 4 to 8 am then fines up for few 2 seasons in 1 day..The layered look clothing is needed,to strip off later,The locals are breeding madly- all colors
-- Edited by ERI LI on Wednesday 6th of May 2020 04:51:15 PM
Hi Erin,
Don't be a tease! We all know that there are lots of nomads wanting to get to Paradise (North & Far North Qld) but can't as they are being stopped by restrictions with COVID-19.
They can tell you more chilly tales than what you've expressed here.
Yes, it was a little cool this morning at 4am in my summer jarmies waiting for the meteorite shower to appear (no I didn't see it). It was 15 degrees, I heard here in Townsville.
Like your butterflies - have you seen any Cairns Birdwings up there? We have heaps of vines but nothing to eat them! And it's a while since we've seen a Ulysses too.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
On one northern trip I pulled up at a lookout to stretch the legs.
An Uylsses settled on my bull bar.
By the time I got the camera ready it had flown off into the neighbouring rain forest. I could still see it way off but too far for a reasonable photo.
I have a plastic one sitting on the filing cabinet beside my computer.
Perhaps I should stick it to my bull bar, take a photo & tell a few porkies.
Hi Erin, Cupie,
We have a Euodia tree in our yard (the host plant for the Ulysses butterfly), also have lot of vines that the Cairns Birdwing eat but there are none around. The last time I saw a female C B-W was a month ago but no caterpillars yet.
A lot of the vines are going to the dump tomorrow as they are taking over our trees, garden.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
This plant loved by all butts,& controllable 1 ft or 10 ft..Flowers AYR,everyday..Blue ULYSSESS,anything..PENTAS..why don't you chop into 3-5 ft PC's & sell or giveaway-? Seems a waste..The butts are sometimes late & unpredictable,some breed in the hills to avoid too hot,like Cairns..Brief F.I.F.Os- you might see 1 a year..What is the vine-? Indian Clock Vine-- send me a boxfull- Atherton
ERI LI, I am loving your butterfly photos. We saw some beauties when we were up that way back about now in 2017. Current view from our outdoor room, we have had a migration of more common butterflies, that was a few weeks ago, but finished now.
All we can do is birdwatch and identify. Our list is increasing, we are up to 28 different birds now.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!