Boys and their toys...a woman annoyed,
Is my belief. Had 4 long term relationships and the 1st three were jealous of my ability to have my head into model airplanes.
The one before my current wife was the worst. So I set up a part of the hobby room for her ceramics and sewing, the lasted two days. Then she complained about the $11,000 spent over 7 years on the hobby ...better than $35,000 on cigarettes I said. Told her I feel like leaving her to which she replied you better find a place to live I said I have, around the corner can you give me a hand with the single bed lol
Our shed is our castle. Enjoy your trains
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
Hi Tony dead lucky I guess. I have a very understanding wife of 55yrs. she is happy in the garden and I'm still in the construction phase after 15yrs!!! I wonder what the rest of the tribe are doing in this stressful time?
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
Never been so busy, with both of us having trouble with knees. Decided we need an automatic, purchased a low kilometer Mazda 323 Prodege. So it kept me busy for a few days doing front brake pads, timing belt kit & crank front seal, changing coolant & heater hoses, engine oil & filter. Time now for the next project.
Been 'playing' with model trains since the late 1950's. Even had a model train business for a number of years. Travelled the world for train events, trade fairs, exhibitions, and just riding trains. Even made money out of train photos, articles and cover photos etc etc etc. Even have a 22x13 foot room with a layout in it. Every minute of the way my wife has supported and encouraged me. I can't imagine anyone being selfish enough to begrudge a partner a hobby.
Been 'playing' with model trains since the late 1950's. Even had a model train business for a number of years. Travelled the world for train events, trade fairs, exhibitions, and just riding trains. Even made money out of train photos, articles and cover photos etc etc etc. Even have a 22x13 foot room with a layout in it. Every minute of the way my wife has supported and encouraged me. I can't imagine anyone being selfish enough to begrudge a partner a hobby.
Totally agree.
When friends ask me if I get upset when my wife spends some money on herself, I just laugh and say she has a lot of catching up to do.
Like most men I know, our hobbies are expensive, mine is a 1976 VW beetle and a 1976 XJ6 Jaguar. plus th extensively equipped workshop to maintain them.
Fortunately for me she enjoys the outings, the lunches and the travel.
At the moment, I have my cars, she has her garden and we both have each other.
My hobby, is cycle touring and camping. Many a far away trip under my belt, but now mostly local trips of five days at a time. I do want to do the Lap by bicycle again, but she has drawn the line there, as it would be for 12 months, so a long time apart, and it would not be fair on her. She is a CWA member, and into crafts, and community volunteering in other organisations and getting together with many friends, and we support each other in these hobbies. The cycling keeps me young, and connected with my dog Milo as well as he comes on all my trips.
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 14th of April 2020 02:08:06 PM
-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Tuesday 14th of April 2020 02:14:21 PM
One time my brother got the model railway bug and we looked at the various guages and track layouts.
There was a very small railway set called the 'TT' gauge and there were descriptions of various sets operated by people. One in particular was owned by a commercial traveller who had built his track into a suitcase - after booking into a motel/hotel he simply opened the suitcase up and played with his 'toy' trains. Made a change to reading the Gideon bible or watching country TV.
That will make a new dimension for model train enthusiasts to follow their hobby while doing the big lap.
So there you are WhenAreWeThere - now you can take it with you.
My hobby is Amateur Radio but the wind here on Good Friday dealt a fatal blow to my antenna. It was a 43 foot vertical fed at the base with an SGC auto tuner. Seeing as it's now a bunch of bent and folded pipes laying in the back yard it's a bit useless...
So, what's next ? Get some more tubing and make another one ? Put up some sort of inverted "V" or just a length of endfed wire, or something else. I don't have the room for a dipole on 40 metres much less 80.
Maybe just a random doublet fed with a length of 450 ohm ladder line (I even have some on hand) via the auto tuner and a 9:1 balun. I won't be able to get the apex up very high though.
Hmmmm just typeing this has led me to realise that the take off angle of ther vertical is a lot better for DX than the other options.
Of course I'd really like a 4 element Steppir at 30 metres..
I thought I had a mark on the toilet floor. Got down on hands and knees with OLD green kitchen scourer only to realise its the grain in the floor covering. Too much time on my hands (and knees)
I've been doing my fair share to keep employment going, dropped the car off to get it repaired. A few weeks ago someone opened their door while I was driving past. Didn't feel anything, heard only a bit of a noise due to all the acoustic insulation in the car. I declined a replacement car even though I pay the extra as we are not supposed to drive unnecessarily & we barely need a car when at home anyway.
The mark on our car didn't even go through the paint, it wiped off with some cleaner, but I had previously waxed our car with Carnauba Wax which probably helped. Mirror mounting was bent a few mm as well, mirror assembly & the headlight is being replaced.
Been reading what everyone on this forum are doing to beat the plague blues, pulled my old (1982) f2 750 honda apart 3 years ago to refurbish & turn into a monster cafe racer (ex victorian police bike complete with cop speedo) been sitting there nearly untouched until I was told I was,nt allowed outside to play, started stripping the engine to see what bits are required for a rebuild, funny thing is I could have done this anytime being retired but because We have been told to stay home its triggered my brain to do something.
Also have a 1940 straight 8 buick engine to rebuild for a family member, same story, working on it now when its really a long term project, human nature is a funny thing!