Just wondering if anyone has been to a caravan service centre to have their caravan roof resealed and how much it cost. I have a pop top that when it is not in use and is down doesn't leak but when popped has a leak in one corner. I live on the Central Qld coast and willing to travel if the cost is reasonable.
Hi. If your roof is like mine, frame on outside with drop in panel and t seal you can do it yourself as I did. Takes a few hours but mine has not leaked for around four years. Clean off ALL silicone and grease or dirt. Get a roll of Eternabond. Google it. It is about $85 and worth every cent. On a warm day apply the Eternabond and roll into corners etc. Just follow the instructions to the letter and you cant go wrong. As I said mine has no leaks now and it had three corner leaks that had been fixed with silicone. Hope this helps. Col
Hi Grandk. I did a page on repainting my pop top successfully here with special paint with pics. I think you may have to join up to see it, but it is free in any case. Just the mods try to do their due diligents.