"I can't make the druggist understand what I want."Inside Mute (SIGN) "I know What to do."Outside Mute (SIGN)
"What? "Inside Mute (SIGN) "Go back inside. Put five dollars on the counter. Put your pecker on the counter.
He'll know what you want."Outside Mute (SIGN) "Good idea."The man goes back into the drug store and two minutes later he's back at the car window.
Inside Mute (SIGN) "Well? "Outside Mute (SIGN) "It didn't work."Inside Mute (SIGN) "What do you mean?"Outside Mute (SIGN)
"I did what you told me to do. I went inside.I put 5 dollars on the counter. I put my pecker on the counter.He put his on the counter. It was bigger than mine. He took my 5 dollars."