This notice can now be found in many French churches:
En entrant dans cette église, il est possible que vous entendiez l'appel de Dieu.
Par contre, il nest pas susceptible de vous contacter par téléphone.
Merci d'avoir éteint votre téléphone.
Si vous souhaitez parler à Dieu, entrez, choisissez un endroit tranquille et parle lui.
Si vous souhaitez le voir, envoyez-lui un SMS en conduisant.
It is possible that on entering this church, you may hear the Call of God.
On the other hand, it is not likely that he will contact you by phone.
Thank you for turning off your phone.
If you would like to talk to God, come in, choose a quiet place, and
talk to him.
If you would like to see him, send him a text while driving.
Make it Snappy......Bob
That certainly was a good one, I was already laughing, by this line
The bottom line had me in stitchesIf you would like to see him, send him a text while driving.
It cost nothing to be polite