Hi normiek,
I don't see any reason why not. You might see a different view - green grass!
As there is still water coming over the wall, I doubt whether the road across the bottom to Collinsville, etc is open. There was a considerable flow under the bridge at Home Hill a couple of weeks ago.
Just beware of where you swim, fish, Normiek - there are big lizards in the dam.
Not surprised .... Many years ago I was shooting on a property (Glendon?) about 10k down from the dam wall. Saw lots of big salties on sandbanks up to the wall. The property owner wanted us to shoot them but we couldn't could we .. its the law you know. LOL
Lots of Johnson river crocks in the waterholes along the riverbanks. Would give you a fright as they slithered into the water as you walked past ... ****e, was that a salty?
We were kept awake at night by all the dingoes over the other side of the river howling constantly. Not game to swim over to have a go at them but got one that came across to us.
ps There was a processing plant just a few Kms downstream looking for gold.
pps. Lots of Pigs & nice looking brumbies in there too.
Just beware of where you swim, fish, Normiek - there are big lizards in the dam.
Not surprised .... Many years ago I was shooting on a property (Glendon?) about 10k down from the dam wall. Saw lots of big salties on sandbanks up to the wall. The property owner wanted us to shoot them but we couldn't could we .. its the law you know. LOL
We worked on Glendon for 3 mths during the mustering season in 2015- interesting place but rough country. Same family have it now run by George and wife Julia - they have 3 children
-- Edited by villatranquilla on Wednesday 29th of May 2019 08:09:36 PM
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
G'day Cupie,
Perhaps at night the "Freshies" would give you a fright. I recall friends in Darwin in the early 70s seeing one at night in Howard Springs but that was before the moves were taken to protect both species.
On our last trip to Darwin, I lost a pair of glasses at Buffalo Creek. We went back to the spot but it was dark, my torch wasn't all that powerful & I had a strange feeling that I was not alone so I guess whatever was there made good use of them!
We often see the Freshies in the Ross River when we are doing bird surveys. The last one a fortnight ago, would have been about full sized (3m) - it probably saw us watching it, but took little notice; just continued cruising over to the other side.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!