Dingo drags toddler away from campervan on Fraser Island
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A toddler who survived after his father snatched him from a dingo's jaws on south-east Queensland's Fraser Island has been flown to a Brisbane hospital.
The 14-month-old boy was first taken to Hervey Bay Hospital with a fractured skull and cuts to his head and neck before being flown to Queensland Children's Hospital about 8am on Friday. A toddler has been flown to hospital after he was dragged from a caravan by a dingo on Fraser Island.
A toddler has been flown to hospital after he was dragged from a caravan by a dingo on Fraser Island. Credit:RACQ LifeFlight Rescue
The boy's mother was on board the helicopter.
Paramedic Ben du Toit said the boy's family from Brisbane had been camping on the island's south-west on Thursday night when a dingo entered their campervan, grabbed the toddler and dragged him into the bush.
"The child's parents were woken by their son's cries, which were becoming more distant," he said.
"The dad got out of the campervan to investigate and found the dingo dragging the toddler away from the campervan. An infant is flown to hospital after being attacked by a dingo on Fraser Island.
Everyone was an armchair judge in those days,I'm not sure but I think u get put in jail for saying what I heard people saying then.I was working out there and new some of the real story. I visited the big smoke whilst it was on and don't think anyone new what dingo's were capable of.(that's putting it lightly).
Need to kill all those wild dogs. Dingos having been brought be back from a light persistence Hunter.. to this apparent ramp it up along the wolf pack phenomenon that goes along with this dog fertility and Alonso hunting constraints. ... these dogs must all be killed. The people taking these story's to the Lugenpresse.. Even themselves have no clue what they are reporting on.
Fraser Island dingoes are considered to be the most genetically pure group of all our dingoes. We don't need a cull of any kind, we actually need to be aware it's their turf not ours and they are NOT domestic pets.
Would be interested to know where they were camped. Were they in a designated camp ground with a fence with their door open at night or were they parked up somewhere on their own with the door open at night? Sounds like a dangerous place to go. Hope the little boy is ok.
The ABC did a program about 3 years ago about the dingoes in NT, one side of the fence where there was feral cats and dogs........ not a bit of natural fauna and flora.
The other side were families of dingoes, the patriarch controlled the young ones, and there were desert mice and marsupials, plants that didn't grow on the other side of the fence etc.
The pure bred dingo looks after it's own environment to it's own advantage, not like the feral animals that destroy everything.
Fraser Island is their territory and people should stay away from them, or segregate them from the camping areas, very sad, but I would not put total blame on the dingo.
I've had a part dingo for 13 years, they are very hard to train but once you do, they are a very loyal and friendly pet, IMHO.
News paper article reports that paramedic said "...dog had popped open clips on Family's camper van to reach the sleeping 14 Month toddler...", Another 5yo child was not touched. Father woke to baby's fading crys.
Father had to remove that baby from dogs jaws when he caught up with dog some meters from the camper trailer ... Says was trailer was parked outside the designated camping area , at Eurong Road,, Eurong at 12:40 AM Good Friday
Front Page Courier mail and pages 4.5 , todays Courier Mail
Nothing mentioned about a fence or open door , I saw in articale
Says dog actually opened the the clips on flap
I'm not familiar with the camping area.
I lived for several years on the Fraser Coast area of Queensland and have spent a lot of time on the water there and on the Island from time to time, friends who were born and raised there spend much time on the Island and have raised their children using it for holiday trips. The Dingo is a wild Dog but if visitors take sensible precautions and in particular do not allow small children to wander away from the adults there should be no problem with the Dingo.
And don't feed them.
Rangers removed many of them and released them on the mainland a decade ago and that was a mistake, domestic Dogs and other animals were attacked and pets turned wild Dogs found new partners to mate with. I was told about a young mother with her baby in a pram walking on a country road near her home who was stalked by wild Dogs, the informant had several Dogs he used for Pig hunting, huge Dogs, and when he let them out for their usual afternoon exercise they raced away and down the road towards the mother and child, she was apparently terrified, but the Pig Dogs raced past and dealt with the wild Dogs that were stalking the neighbour. She reported the incident to Council Rangers but they decided, correctly, that the Pig Dogs were lifesavers.
By the way, a contractor wild Dog exterminator told me that one of the worst examples, cunning and vicious, was a Fox Terrier gone feral.
Children must be taught not to try and pat Dogs they are not familiar with, and please ask the handler first before attempting to pat a Dog, adults included. It's not that the pet Dog is dangerous, just wary of strangers.
This is another stuff-up of the Qld Govt (another of many)!
And I really feel sorry for both Lindy C & this family (as well as others through the years, on the island).
Yes the dingoes are of pure breed & so need protection BUT like us, they need to eat. They are carnivores. How many people have seen the dingoes without their ribs showing ie looking as they are well fed? Years ago, the Govt rid the island of the wild horses that were there (& I guess for good reason) - so that left the dogs to either scrounge at the rubbish dump before it was fenced off to prevent that happening.
Perhaps funding should be given for the NP&WS staff to feed the dogs at a fixed location away from normal human activity once a week??
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Warran-Pat, Feeding stations for dingoes have been ruled out a few times now. It's considered likely to exasperate rather than improve the issues associated with visitors feeding the dingoes as well as upsetting the predator-prey balance. There are still brumbies in Fraser but they never formed a major part of the dingo's very diverse diet so reduced numbers can't be blamed esp as dingoes are really starving. As long as people think they are cute doggies that need a pat or starving creatures that need a hand-out, the situation won't improve and will only become worse. Restrictions on people (ie where they camp or even numbers of visitors), not restricting native animals any more than fencing off campgrounds and more visitor education are the only solutions. Dingoes are no different to crocs, snakes, sharks or idiot drivers. They are all things best watched from a distance.
people not the dingo, people feeding the dingos create an animal with no fear. Just stop the boats/barges cheers blaze
If it was your child or grandchild you would not write such Bull$hit.
yes I would and would and have taught my kids and grand kids wild/ domestic animals can and will hurt you. Humans are the worst kind of animal.have a good day.cheers.blaze
Now THATS telling it as it is.....people feeding the dingoes create an animal with no fear. Well said.Parents seem not to bothered teaching their children about the dangers of the world,and when something goes wrong these same people bleat and moan,and blame everybody except themselves.These people need to take some responsibility for their own stupidity.Cheers
Good luck to any parent that can teach a 14 month old baby as to the dangers of a wild dingo.
I have just watched a news report this morning from a ranger reporting on the incident.
He stated that the parents did nothing wrong with their camping procedures and it was the two dingoes that somehow infiltrated the camp where the child was sleeping.
Two solutions are probably obvious but this will divide the camp (no pun intended)
1. Close the island to camping thus eliminating the effect of humans interacting (feeding) the wild animals.
2. Cull the dingoes to a manageable level. ( Read, not eliminate them, just maintain the numbers so that they may be more easily managed ).
Maybe No 2 will cause the most outrage but the simple fact is, is that our world is becoming overpopulated and us humans, due to our numbers and recreational lifestyle requirements, are encroaching further and further into our native animals territories.
Most of the humans wont want the island closed.
Probably could add a number three cull the humans but it would be too confusing picking the ones to get rid of although I would imagine that many of us would privately pick an opposing group.
Good luck to any parent that can teach a 14 month old baby as to the dangers of a wild dingo.
1. Close the island to camping thus eliminating the effect of humans interacting (feeding) the wild animals.
Your comment is exactly what I was expecting.The point I was making is that the childs safety is the responsibility of the the parents.There are reports the family was camping outside the designated camping area....this is highly irresponsible behaviour.Do we get rid of any creature that any member of society deems dangerous,or do we take some responsibility for our own actions.Sadly,there are many people who are quick to blame anybody except themselves when their actions cause them grief.We can only hope that this child quickly makes a full recovery,but the parents need look no further than themselves when seeking to apportion blame.Cheers
Good luck to any parent that can teach a 14 month old baby as to the dangers of a wild dingo.
1. Close the island to camping thus eliminating the effect of humans interacting (feeding) the wild animals.
Your comment is exactly what I was expecting.The point I was making is that the childs safety is the responsibility of the the parents.There are reports the family was camping outside the designated camping area....this is highly irresponsible behaviour.Do we get rid of any creature that any member of society deems dangerous,or do we take some responsibility for our own actions.Sadly,there are many people who are quick to blame anybody except themselves when their actions cause them grief.We can only hope that this child quickly makes a full recovery,but the parents need look no further than themselves when seeking to apportion blame.Cheers
Just to change the tone a bit. When I was working out bush,(with a gas fridge and a carbide lite & a flying doctor radio ,for communication and entertainment) Dingos would come into my camp at night time , but if they ever spotted you they would take off , had one in front of a bulldozer once pushing a fence line, he was not scared of the noise and only moved when the dirt moved him , but when I stopped and he saw me move he took off . These dingos where wild .
Once I had run out of gas for my fridge , put my slab of corned beef in the open fridge , Sitting by the fire that night I heard a bang in my tin shack on wheels, run in and here was a great big wild cat taking of with my corned beef, out the back hatch.
I have just watched a news report this morning from a ranger reporting on the incident. He stated that the parents did nothing wrong with their camping procedures and it was the two dingoes that somehow infiltrated the camp where the child was sleeping.
The reporting around the incident has been typical of the need to get something out there as click-bait. Opinions and judgements and plain lack of facts abound. I have read and heard everything from Campervan, camper trailer, soft floor camper, caravan, open door, canvas flap door, clever dingos that can undo "clips", and camped in the wrong area.
At this end of the story, I am just happy the child has survived. At the other end of the story, I am reminded of the hard time a grieving mother and father and siblings received when a dingo went into a tent and carried off a baby.
Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.
Come on its a simple case of not feeding wild animals, possums will attack you also, expecting a feed after someone has unknowing of what happens , has feed them.
I never ever doubted the Story with the Chamberlains, when I worked out in the bush properly in The Kimberlys many years ago we had more than one occasion of Dingos going into the tent and taking food left accessible and not wanting to give it back.
Like all Wild Animals they need to treated with great respect in their own Habitat.
Good on ya Bliss when I was up the Kimberlys the stockcamp left the Killer to hang overnight on the back of the work caravan, they got woken up in the middle of the night with a shaking of the van all over the place. A croc had come for a midnight snack.
Also while were in the Kimberlys, I came across the grave of the postman "WE OF THE NEVER NEVER" fame. Grave marked by an old panican . Drown whilst choked down on rum in the ORD. anyone seen it since? He used to carry the mail from Wyndam to Materranka. By horse.