Have you considered spending the winter months, or part thereof, in north Queensland?
Not the sandy beaches, rainforests, bustling cities and speed signs, but the region of Cloncurry, Julia Creek, Hughenden & Winton.
The graziers, farmers & townspeople need help.
As Friendly RV towns that provide low cost camping & facilities, it is now opportune to repay their friendly services, with compassion, helpfulness & understanding, that will ensure their future can become happy & confident.
So spread the word & may a swarm of campers spread good will & happiness to all those who are suffering at present.
Both or any method that will assist the families to become confident, reassured & happy.
At this stage the 4 towns in question are dealing with recovering from the flood, burying cattle, establishing roads etc etc.
It is envisaged mobile travellers will be accommodated on each farm/station to provide comfort, support & assistance to the families in need.
Once the 4 towns are in a better situation to organise, you will all be advised.
At this stage Kevin Butler of Blazeaid & Aust Motorhoming Lion Club with their "Longest Line" project from Barcaldine to Aramac. have indicated their involvement in the project
Over 200 RV manufacturers have been requested to advise their dealers & their users.
Many Clubs & RV organisations same. Endorsement for the project is exceeding our expectations.
G'day John,
I'd guess a significant number of GNs, tourists would be spending a significant part of your southern winter in Northern Australia.
Some are already here!
I agree that your idea is good but on reading the poster, I see that as a "Ra, Ra, we're here to sort out your problems & in massive convoy, etc".
I'd suggest that instead of making a song & dance about the issues to my west, that you contact councils to see WHO you can assist & HOW. Find out what is needed & be aware that not everyone is going to want to be invaded by a lot of caravans at once.
If GNs are skilled in cattle handling, station running, you could offer to give the station owners. managers a week or two off.
Yes the towns need support & I'm certain your $$ will be appreciated.
Don't be in a rush to come up yet as our wild weather (cyclone) season is not over YET! The BOM is watching a system that could develop in the next couple of weeks. Its name could be TC Savannah!
And be aware that the Flinders Highway, while it is open, has suffered damage (drive to conditions).
Good Luck
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
One area of assistance that would be accepted gratefully is education.
In this morning's Townsville Bulletin, it was reported that children are being pulled from boarding schools as the farmers cannot afford the cost to feed surviving cattle with hay & keep their children in school.
Are any retired teachers planning to travel? Once again, I'd suggest contacting the councils or using social media.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Appropriate Councils & VICs were advised on the feasibility of the concepts of this proposed project, some 4 weeks ago
However, with the extensive cleanup & reorganisation, we appreciate this project will become effective later, when families will need the benefits of Cheer Up teams & Councils& communities have time.
In the interim, spreading the word has gained momentum, allowing interested travellers to prepare, in readiness for their journey of help.
I have of today written to the Qld Premier, CEO-Tourism Qld. GM-Outback Qld & other government departments.
Have requested they support the project based on the interest already indicated.