A mate just sent the footage of that Qld python found by a lady in the Nth Qld bedroom..
I sent him this.....I was in Jakarta and I held this monster's head to stop it moving/coiling.....scary?...not really, just like a regular visit to the Urinal for me......
The other photo is not my love child......the little orphaned Orang-Utang looked me in the eye incredulously, and didn't believe there was two Million Years of Evolution between us....I found it hard to believe as well.....
True photos.....a smart- alec 'market' snake handler threw a very large spitting King Cobra round my neck..this was at the same time as the Timor fracas and "they" didn't particularly like Australians...I told him in my best """direct""" Aussie to remove it immediately, and as he did so, it bit him soundly on the forearm.....he looked distinctly unwell and they took him out the back.....don't know what happened to him...don't really care..it was spitting at my face from few inches away...my 'laughing' brother was taking a video and its all on tape...I submitted to Australia's Funnyiest Home Videos.....they respectfully declined as they did not think Australians seeing a King Cobra biting/sticking its fangs into its handler would be considered funny.....I do....it was him or me..so I know what I prefer..I'll post a photo when I find it......Hoo Roo