My wife & I have been refining our travel plans for 2019. Currently we are caretaking a remote property on the Kimberley west coast for the Wet season. Around the end of April we expect to pack up & move slowly eastward & across the Kimberley & top end with a view to finding a house sit/property sit/volunteer caretaking over the 2019/20 Wet Season on the eastern side of the country before we head up Cape Yorke in 2020.
We are considering the Tablelands as a possible future place to live, but first wish to spend a wet season there. The Tablelands climate sounds pretty good to us, but we have heard tales of those who love it & those who dont & really the only way to go is for us to experience it for ourselves.
If anyone lives on the Tablelands or has contacts there we we would love it if you could keep your ears & eyes open for any potential sits from late this year (any time after say September) through to March/April. If you know folk who are going away please tell them about us. Shorter periods may be considered if we can match up more than a single sit. We prefer rural but will consider any. Happy to care for stock/pets, gardens etc and or to undertake handyman projects. We are also happy to commit well in advance, it makes it easier for us to plan & offers certainty to the property owners to plan around.
One possibility which could see our 'Tablelands evaluation' delayed would be if the possibility of a sit/ caretaking or similar role came up in Arnhem Land. We think this fairly unlikely but would jump at that opportunity if we hadn't already made a commitment to someone else.
If you think you may be able to link us up with someone anytime between now & the end of the year please send me a PM. Show them our blog & let them know we are open to being asked any questions. Thanks
Have you thought about also putting an ad in the "House sitters available" section on the main website?
Hi, thanks, yes we briefly considered that, & also the possibility of joining a house sitter agency. However I suspect it may not be worthwhile throwing money at it this far out. Perhaps closer to the time though. Our current sit (our first)was obtained by emailing friends of friends & was only sorted out a couple of days before we left home last July. Our thinking back then was that if we had nothing organised before leaving, the chances of finding something suitable might be better once we were in the area & able to meet people face to face. As it has turned out we were right, since being up here north of Broome we have had several other offers & seen probably half a dozen other possibilities some of which were better in some ways to here, but we had made a commitment & weren't about to let folk down by dishonouring it.
We feel the time for advertising would be if we find ourselves over on the Tablelands with nothing arranged, & in the meantime, over the next 7 or 8 months remind folk online now & again that we will be available ..... & keep our fingers crossed.