The new Major arrives at the desert camp to greet his troops, "So you better show me around Private Jones"
"Well, there's the three tents we sleep and eat in and that's about it" he says.
"What's that sad looking camel doing over there?" said the Major
The Private looked a bit sheepish and said " We use him, when we want sex, Sir"
After a couple of weeks the Major came out of tent, saw the camel standing there and thought about it,
then shook his head and said " No, don't be stupid, it's a camel"
A couple more weeks went by and the same thing happened " No , no.... no way"
A couple more months went by and the Major was feeling really horny, he saw the camel standing there
And thought "Why not, Private bring that camel to my tent"
After a lot of commotion and yelling the Major came out of his tent and said
"Hey Private, that's what we men do in the desert for sex, camels eh? !!!!"
The Private says " Whatever works for you, Sir,
We just normally ride it into town and meet a woman"
Make it Snappy......Bob
Now that's thinking outside of the box ,oops i meant square .
Blues man.