Police say: " Can't do the limit stay off the freeway! "....so to me that means it's OK to do 28kph below the speed limit if the road isn't a freeway.
Most country roads I've driven on are not freeways but have posted speed limits of 100/110kph so it's OK to go slow?
Good Luck.
On the Great Ocean Road there are turnout lanes that courteous people use. I believe there is rule that if you are doing a certain speed below the speed limit on a non-Freeway, you are obliged to pull over and let others past. There are a lot of turnout lanes or overtaking lanes these days. But don't you just love those people who speed up when the road gets wider and you just cannot get past. And those who think they are not a roadblock (which is what a lot of truckies refer to caravans as).
In some states in the US, if you are even marginally below the speed limit on non-Freeways and you have more that 5? vehicles queued up behind you, you are obliged to let them past.
I though that was why we had three lanes, so people could do a variety of speeds and not impede others? Granted, doing 80kph in the outside lane would be pretty rude but I didn't realise it was actually an offence!
Interesting responses- it now appears that the TEG in WA are going to enforce this not only on the freeway but also on some regional roads, although different rules will have to be used in the non freeway areas.
This reminds me of a character we followed on the Nullarbor for a while, towing a van at 78kph, it was ridiculous, what made it even funnier was the van had their names and uhf channels on it but not once did they respond our calls or any from the truckies.
There are enough regional roads with 100 limit & I would not be caught dead driving more than 80, poor surface, shocking camber, risk of animals jumping out in front of you. Had this happen once doing 70 on a 100 road. If I was doing 71 I would have hit the cow which jumped out of a ditch obscured by reeds. Frightening & dangerous stuff.
93 is the most economical speed while keeping the car in 6th gear. In NT at 134 the car uses double the fuel.
I also try not to hold up others & speed up a bit & then let them overtake where it is safe.
Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!
50L custom fuel rack 6x20W 100/20mppt 4x26Ah gel 28L super insulated fridge TPMS 3 ARB compressors heatsink fan cooled 4L tank aftercooler Air/water OCD cleaning 4 stage car acoustic insulation.
I agree if you cannot do 90 klm hr maybe be you should not be on the road but just recently i told a truckie that I was going to buy a caravan and travel around Australia.
He said so you are going to join the masses that are driving us crazy..
I replied that yes I was going to get my sweet revenge on all those truckies that hogged the right hand lane to overtake a slower truck on the hiways and prevented motorists from overtaking. He was a little gobsmacked. LOL
93 is the most economical speed while keeping the car in 6th gear.
Are you towing a van? Is your sixth gear an overdrive top gear? If yes to both Don't use to tow as it will kill your gearbox.
Don't have a towbar. It's petrol. Last trip 17,000 km including 2,000 km corrugated & off road & sand. 500 kg payload. 10.48 L/100. To keep fuel economy reasonable avoiding the turbo working too much saves a lot of fuel.
Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!
50L custom fuel rack 6x20W 100/20mppt 4x26Ah gel 28L super insulated fridge TPMS 3 ARB compressors heatsink fan cooled 4L tank aftercooler Air/water OCD cleaning 4 stage car acoustic insulation.
What you are saying is that he was doing 8kph (probably less, but allowing for speedometer error) under the minimum speed allowed. 100kph is the max speed, and there is a 20kph allowed under. Ask the drivers of mobile cranes etc. This is a news story, they can't even tell if its a freeway or a highway.
What you are saying is that he was doing 8kph (probably less, but allowing for speedometer error) under the minimum speed allowed. 100kph is the max speed, and there is a 20kph allowed under. Ask the drivers of mobile cranes etc. This is a news story, they can't even tell if its a freeway or a highway.
" Officers reportedly clocked the car travelling at 28 km/h under the 100 km/h speed limit."
By my calculations that still equates to 100-28=72 kph.
I though that was why we had three lanes, so people could do a variety of speeds and not impede others? Granted, doing 80kph in the outside lane would be pretty rude but I didn't realise it was actually an offence!
if the speed limit is more than 80kph you must keep left unless overtaking it is an offence to overtake someone on the left an the person in the right lane could be charged with obstructing traffic/failing to keep left as well
VIC You must not overtake a vehicle on the left, unless you are on a multi-lane road and the vehicle can be safely overtaken in a marked lane, or the vehicle you wish to overtake is turning right or making a u-turn from the centre of the road and is giving a right change of direction signal.
QLD You can only overtake to the left of a vehicle if it is safe to do so and: you are driving on a multi-lane road and the vehicle can be overtaken in a marked lane to the left of the vehicle. the vehicle is turning right or making a U-turn from the centre of the road and is indicating right.
NSW Overtake on the right unless a vehicle is waiting to turn right, is stationary, or if you and the other vehicle are travelling in marked lanes. In these instances you may overtake on the left side if it is safe. Not overtake or pass other vehicles on pedestrian or school crossings.
SA On the left on a multi-lane road, when you are in another lane to the left of the vehicle you are overtaking and the vehicle can be safely overtaken in a marked lane to the left of the vehicle.
The "speed limit" is the maximum allowed. Not a set minimum. (In other words, you can travel below that limit. And in certain circumstances, you should.)
However...you still need to make - and more importantly allow - "progress" to be made. If you are holding up traffic, you can - and should - be fined for your trouble.
Over the Christmas break, the wife and I towed a medium-sized boat back home from Victoria. Took it very easy at first, esp. as it was very early morning/sun-up. Had people behind me, and made every effort to let them pass. (Even got an appreciative flash of the hazards from someone as a thank-you for letting them get by pretty much as soon as they came up on us, as it was safe to leave room for them at that point).
Was ~5-10KPH below the applicable limits all the way back. Always in the left lane, where one existed. Always in 4th (out of 5).
As someone else pointed out, knowing what/who is around you, and operating the vehicle in a considerate way, having regard to conditions and circumstance is largely a matter of common sense.
Trouble is, it's not as common as perhaps it should be...
It is better to have and not need, than to need and not have...
Western Australia Police Force Frequently asked questions.
Is there a minimum speed limit?
Yes. If you are travelling on a Freeway you must travel no slower than 20km/hr below the speed limit unless there is traffic congestion or road conditions dictate.
No more to add.
Depth perception at night decreases and other vehicles swerve to avoid running into the back of the slower vehicle, without checking the lane next to them is clear, and a crash occurs, the spokesperson said.
People get stuck behind the slow vehicle and cant change lanes due to vehicles doing the speed limit in the other lanes, those drivers decide to change lanes anyway due to frustration and it causes a crash.
WA must have the less skilled drivers and worst road toll in Straya if they cannot cope with encountering users of the road at differing speeds.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Depth perception at night decreases and other vehicles swerve to avoid running into the back of the slower vehicle, without checking the lane next to them is clear, and a crash occurs, the spokesperson said.
People get stuck behind the slow vehicle and cant change lanes due to vehicles doing the speed limit in the other lanes, those drivers decide to change lanes anyway due to frustration and it causes a crash.
WA must have the less skilled drivers and worst road toll in Straya if they cannot cope with encountering users of the road at differing speeds.
Cheers - John
Its pretty clear they dont want mobile road blocks on freeways
Depth perception at night decreases and other vehicles swerve to avoid running into the back of the slower vehicle, without checking the lane next to them is clear, and a crash occurs, the spokesperson said.
People get stuck behind the slow vehicle and cant change lanes due to vehicles doing the speed limit in the other lanes, those drivers decide to change lanes anyway due to frustration and it causes a crash.
WA must have the less skilled drivers and worst road toll in Straya if they cannot cope with encountering users of the road at differing speeds.
Cheers - John
Its pretty clear they don't want mobile road blocks on freeways
So, there are only cars, 4x4, motorcycles allowed on the freeway? Everything else is a "mobile road block"?
Surely, WA drivers are sufficiently trained, experienced and intelligent to know that when driving a vehicle on ANY roadway it is very possible, indeed probable, that they WILL encounter "slower vehicles/road users". It is common knowledge that EVERY user on a highway/freeway/road will be travelling at differing speeds.
Is it foolish of me to assume they are unable to then negotiate these safely - ie without "running into the back of the slower vehicle, without checking the lane next to them is clear, and a crash occurs" ... and that "drivers decide to change lanes anyway due to frustration and it causes a crash". The road toll must be horrendous.
The mind boggles. How on earth do all the drivers who negotiate the roads/highways/freeways all over the rest of Straya cope.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Depth perception at night decreases and other vehicles swerve to avoid running into the back of the slower vehicle, without checking the lane next to them is clear, and a crash occurs, the spokesperson said.
People get stuck behind the slow vehicle and cant change lanes due to vehicles doing the speed limit in the other lanes, those drivers decide to change lanes anyway due to frustration and it causes a crash.
WA must have the less skilled drivers and worst road toll in Straya if they cannot cope with encountering users of the road at differing speeds.
Cheers - John
Its pretty clear they don't want mobile road blocks on freeways
So, there are only cars, 4x4, motorcycles allowed on the freeway? Everything else is a "mobile road block"?
Surely, WA drivers are sufficiently trained, experienced and intelligent to know that when driving a vehicle on ANY roadway it is very possible, indeed probable, that they WILL encounter "slower vehicles/road users". It is common knowledge that EVERY user on a highway/freeway/road will be travelling at differing speeds.
Is it foolish of me to assume they are unable to then negotiate these safely - ie without "running into the back of the slower vehicle, without checking the lane next to them is clear, and a crash occurs" ... and that "drivers decide to change lanes anyway due to frustration and it causes a crash". The road toll must be horrendous.
The mind boggles. How on earth do all the drivers who negotiate the roads/highways/freeways all over the rest of Straya cope.
Cheers - John
its nothing to do with training etc. Its all about getting these slow lane hoggers to drive properly. This event has had enourmour support and positive feedback in Perth. Similar laws are available to be enforced in other stateS. I guess its pretty clear now that if you cant or wont drive at 80kph on the freeway dont take the freeway