Why would .... or should ... ANYONE provide their income to folk on an open forum.
I can guarantee all that I would never provide my income to anyone ... even face-to-face around the campfire.
Absolutely no-body else's business.
jest sayin'
cheers - John
Absolutely! Early in my commission-only sales career a potential client asked me to reveal what I would earn from the sale I was trying to make,and in an effort to build rapport,I told him.Bad move! He decided that my commission was waaaay too high,and suggested that I accept half my commission,and take the balance off the price of the product I was selling.In my normal diplomatic manner,I suggested he get stuffed.Party over,but a valuable lesson learned.Cheers
Hi, rockylizard.
Whoa up there a bit mate!!
I NEVER asked about monties income, just how much he gets on a sale of ONE caravan.
As many tradesman tell you how much the parts cost and how much they charge for labour OR a realestate salesman tells you how much commission they charge Or a financial adviser or a Medical specialist etc. etc.
Some people do not have anything to hide, others MUST declare their commission/profit/ commercial interest by law.
I promise if we meet on the road I won't ask your income mate.
Not interested in anyone's income except my own.
Cheers Loz.