I'm almost there: the house sold a month ago, the caravan is paid for and awaiting my pickup and I just have to sell and/or give away some "stuff", pack the caravan and then I'll be ready to hit the road - permanently.
So, my question is: Any last minute advice for a new nomad?
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Make sure you are legal re weights. So easy to go over.
If you have a smart phone check out various Apps that are useful to travellers.
For example Wikicamps,
GPS Tools from Virtual Maze on the app store. That one has everything from a compass to level to GPS. Distance finder to Satellite finder and lots more besides.
BOM for weather and radar. Not least is 'Emergency' an app with your details, Actual real time location, Emergency numbers from SES to Local Ambos Also ICE (In case of Emergency) with your emergency details. Medicines Allergies ETC. Ambos check phones for ICE as a matter of course these days.
Fuel Map from Google can come in Handy too.
There is a new app out that is called "What Three Words" Basically every six metre square on the planet has a three word location that will come up in the app wherever you are. If you are lost emergency services have the details of the square you are in if you tell them the three word address. Not sure about that one yet if it's valuable or not.
Think carefully about the things you want to take. Can you do without, is it really necessary? Have a set of spare globes for Van and Tug. Spare fanbelt and a first aid kit with a good long crepe bandage for snake bites...God forbid you get bitten.
One suggestion I did see was put a red sticker on everything and if you haven't used it in six months probably discard it or pass it on.
Don't leave things to the last minute. Have a list or diary by the bed so if you thing of anything write is down. Writing things down keeps the stress down.
Clearing out a house for whatever reason is exhausting. Plan, get help & pace yourself. Plan to be out a few days before the deadline so you have a bit up your sleeve.
Other: National toilet website!
& Good luck!
Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!
50L custom fuel rack 6x20W 100/20mppt 4x26Ah gel 28L super insulated fridge TPMS 3 ARB compressors heatsink fan cooled 4L tank aftercooler Air/water OCD cleaning 4 stage car acoustic insulation.
TPMS tyre pressure monitoring system & repair kit, will save a lot of money catching flat tyres early.
Fly swat & head fly net are two little things worthwhile. Fire extinguisher or two & first aid kit.
Builders gloves & hi Vis vest & old piece of foam for knees if changing tyre!
Procrastination, mankind's greatest labour saving device!
50L custom fuel rack 6x20W 100/20mppt 4x26Ah gel 28L super insulated fridge TPMS 3 ARB compressors heatsink fan cooled 4L tank aftercooler Air/water OCD cleaning 4 stage car acoustic insulation.
Mate get your ass out there. Only thing I found is to have a way to collect water when the opportunity arise. I've just installed a 160 liter tank in my tray to fill van.
Hi Mike Harding,
You seem to be a well organised person and I am sure you have given everything a lot of thought and consideration.
Others have supplied great advice.
My thoughts are that having all equipment organised for easy access in order of requirement is important to me so as to achieve an easy set up and departure of camp.
The best bit of advice that was offered to me and I will extend to you is really try to avoid having someone talking to you or worse still, helping you when packing up.
It is a simple formula for disaster on varying levels and you will only know what I am indicating when it happens to you.
Sometimes it is hard to discourage a well meaning fellow.
I find a sudden urge to head to the loo will have them move on to greener pastures. :)
I am sure you will work it out as you go along. :)
Enjoy your travels...
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
Do things at your own pace, in the time frame you want to. Enjoy the little things that many other people pass by; some cannot see the forest for the trees.
Be organised & refine your setup as you go. What you like now may alter slightly the more you travel.
Most of all, enjoy every single minute & regret nothing.
When we first set off after a few days we knew we had too much stuff, we had to give it away and I had a lot to learn.There are slow sometimes painful and expensive lessons. But you learn and accept the lessons as they come along. So smile and accept life as it comes, its a great life out here and for me after 4.5 years on the road and as one part of a nomad couple, Ya gotta go for it, accept the hassles and make the most of the good times for if you've got you mind/heart looking forward there's so much to enjoy. There was an advertising slogan long ago. Life be in it. So Go!
Main one thing, that has really worked for us is learning
to give one another their own space now an then. Living
in each other's pocket 24/7 in 19' + is a lot different than
a house.
If you don't want the hassles of having to vote visit your
electoral office and have yourself taken off the roll stating
that your an itinerant
Have been on road fulltime since beginning '07 and can't
find any reasons to stop enjoying what we are doing in
the foreseeable future.
Slow down and smell the roses and enjoy the time
as there's no pockets in a coffin.
I find that if I carry a dedicated, (what to do list) notebook, and jot down what needs to be done to the RV, (improvements/alterations/etc)
If I get a bit bored, (providing I have not mislaid the notebook again), I will have something to occupy my mind
Thanks guys - all suggestions and comments much appreciate :)
I did particularly like the "Red sticker" on items suggestion - and if the sticker is still there after six months then you probably don't need that item.
It now looks like it will be a few days after Xmas when I take off - I'll keep you informed (bored :) ) of my progress.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Thanks guys - all suggestions and comments much appreciate :)
I did particularly like the "Red sticker" on items suggestion - and if the sticker is still there after six months then you probably don't need that item.
It now looks like it will be a few days after Xmas when I take off - I'll keep you informed (bored :) ) of my progress.
Praps one last bit of advice - wiffout sounding like telling you to put an egg in ya mouth and inhale strongly.
The roads all over Victoria from mid-next week until about mid-January, no matter where you are going, will be full of people in a hurry.
Please take care. Also, from personal experience over the past 30 years of camping in almost every area in Gippsland ... no matter how remote you think it is ... is quite likely to provide you with company. Some enjoyable, some not, some noisy, some not - but all in a hurry.
cheers - stay well, travel safely and enjoy the wide brown land - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Thanks John, yes I agree with your comments. This really would not have been my choice of time to leave but circumstances have dictated it.
Of course with the van I cannot go to places as remote as with the 4WD alone so I must expect to sometimes have company - it'll do me no harm to socialise a little more and if they are a problem then... I'll just move on :)
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland