"I reckon that you need to careful using that high strength stuff as it actualy caused the plating on my watch to peel off so who knows what continual use would actually do to your skin."
it may be safer to just use kerosene...
-- Edited by Dickodownunder on Saturday 1st of December 2018 02:34:19 PM
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
"I reckon that you need to careful using that high strength stuff as it actualy caused the plating on my watch to peel off so who knows what continual use would actually do to your skin."
it may be safer to just use kerosene...
-- Edited by Dickodownunder on Saturday 1st of December 2018 02:34:19 PM
Probably is Dicko but I would try and avoid smoking if you decide to go that way...
"I reckon that you need to careful using that high strength stuff as it actualy caused the plating on my watch to peel off so who knows what continual use would actually do to your skin."
it may be safer to just use kerosene...
-- Edited by Dickodownunder on Saturday 1st of December 2018 02:34:19 PM
Probably is Dicko but I would try and avoid smoking if you decide to go that way...
Yes mate particularly if you happen to get some kero on any clothing.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
The high DEET is supposed to be the best. In 10 weeks of traveling in the NW we go annoyed by midges once. And then only one of the 6 of us got bitten, and quite a mess he was. Alcohol in the blood stream apparently works.
Yep. Alcohol is the go. But you have got to build up resistance over time. So start imbibing early & often. I think that red wine is the best antidote.
Well, I am done for then! Buggers love me as it is (A+ blood) and I can't drink due to a medical condition. Seems you will have to take care of my share of vino Cupie :)
The Mobile Madhouse: me (Rosie), him (Troy), a kelpie, a kelpie-dingo, a husky & a rainbow lorikeet.
One insect repellant product that I dont see mentioned yet is "Ya Mate" - an Australian made product. I sourced this online about 18 months ago as I don't like strong DEET lotions.
See loveoilcollection.com.au/about/ I've since seen Ya Mate in some pharmacies too. In August this year we had a couple of weeks on Ningaloo Station in northwest WA where the sand flies are evil. I found that applying Ya Mate 2 or 3 times a day certainly helped and I had significantly fewer sand fly bites than other people around us. It wasn't 100% effective but was more so than Aerogard tropical. Also the few bites I did get were much less irritating than I would usually experience. No affiliation other than I've found this to work well, especially against mossies and the ingredients seem less harmful than some of the stronger chemicals.
Cheers, Kay
"Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. (Tim Ferris)
I was just sharing my experiences with mozzies Mike. I like vegemite - perhaps it has affected my brain but I suffer fewer bites than others around me at the time.
Dickodownunder, RRF is not the only undesirable disease that they carry, Dengue Fever is nasty.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
We're in the NT living in our van next to Buffalo Creek and not far away from the mangroves. We live outside the van and midgies and mozzies are a way of life. I did a series of 3 videos that shares what we do to deal with these pests. We've tried chemical, non-chemical and other tricks to keep them away. The second video talks about 'natural' approaches like Natures Botanical (the original question in this post) and 'The Locals'.
This is the third video that talks about how mozzie coils are not made equal and that you could try a Thermacell if you suffer badly from biting insects.
Tip: Click on the round blue icon to open in a new tab and get a better view.