All manufacturers and importers (over four units annually) will be required to obtain an approval from the Federal Government to supply RV product under 4.5 tonne to the market;
All products manufactured or imported (first supplied to market new or used and above four units annually) within three weight ranges will be required to be covered by a model approval;
All products supplied to market (below four units per made) will be required to be physically inspected by a Government approved facility against Federal compliance;
All products manufactured or imported will be required to be logged onto a Register of Approved Vehicles (an electronic database) prior for individual products will be able to be registered through a state based registration system. This database will be able to be searchable by Government authorities and consumers alike;
The Federal Department will have increased powers which include removing approval to supply to market, fines, or the issuing of a recall (which includes for non-safety related matters);
The rules and logistics which sit below the legislation are still being worked out through consultative groups, which Caravan Industry Association of Australia is an active participant within; and
The Bill will be fully operational twelve months from today.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
They should appoint a caravan / motorhome ombudsman that has power to bring pressure to bear on a manufacturer / importer to live up to warranty issues and otherwise revoke their license to sell said RV's
A good find rockylizard (John), so thanks for that
All manufacturers and importers (over four units annually) will be required to obtain an approval from the Federal Government to supply RV product under 4.5 tonne to the market;
The Federal Department will have increased powers which include removing approval to supply to market, fines, or the issuing of a recall (which includes for non-safety related matters);
Hopefully (I read this to mean), if a manufacturer falsifies the compliance plate, the buyer, after going direct to an authorised weighbridge, and finding the RV is overweight, can ask for a refund
It would be good, if any person in the RV industry, could clarify this for me, as I have been known, to have been wrong in the past