A man goes out drinking with his friends after promising his wife that hed be home by midnight.
Midnight comes and goes. He finally arrives home just before 3am.
As he walks in, he realises the cuckoo clock is about to go off.
With a flash of genius, he decides to coo another nine times to make it seem like its still midnight.
Finished, he sneaks into bed, satisfied with his plan.
The next morning, he wakes up and finds that his wife isnt mad at all.
You sleep okay last night? he asks cautiously.
Fine, the wife says. But we need a new cuckoo clock.
Last night it cooed three times, then it yelled Crap!, cooed another six times and giggled. Then it cooed three more times, tripped over the cat and farted.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.