Why are people still dealing with the outdated bank cheque system. Just have the prospective buyer direct credit into your bank account and when the money is in your account, sign over the car. After all, it is 2018. No need for cheques, no need for bank premises, no need for the delays in having the cheque cleared.
Thats what we did when we bought a new car from a big dealership,now buying private off some complete stranger ,I like to pay on the spot with a bank cheque ,they hand the keys over we hand the cheque over ,paying in advance into a complete strangers bank account would be a bit of a worry...call me old fashioned,call me over the top,you will never call me A sucker..
Just for the record! It's called a " Holding deposit " . That is to hold the vehicle , not sell to anyone else because you want it , but have not got the full payment on you, So yes , if you change your mind you forfeit that deposit. I looked at a Nissan Patrol awhile back and loved it,so put down $100 deposit. When my partner said she was going to put her sisters two dogs in it and take them swimming at the nearby lake, and have wet dog smell all over the carpet, I rang the guy and cancelled the purchase and bought a dual cab instead so the dogs could be happy and I could be happy. Would never have dreamed of asking for the deposit back! Mind you I have seen the reverse, where I have put a Holding deposit on an item and when I came back with the rest of the money, I was given my deposit back, and told That someone came along with the cash in full and they sold it to them. Funny world.
Just for the record! It's called a " Holding deposit " . That is to hold the vehicle , not sell to anyone else because you want it , but have not got the full payment on you, So yes , if you change your mind you forfeit that deposit. I looked at a Nissan Patrol awhile back and loved it,so put down $100 deposit. When my partner said she was going to put her sisters two dogs in it and take them swimming at the nearby lake, and have wet dog smell all over the carpet, I rang the guy and cancelled the purchase and bought a dual cab instead so the dogs could be happy and I could be happy. Would never have dreamed of asking for the deposit back! Mind you I have seen the reverse, where I have put a Holding deposit on an item and when I came back with the rest of the money, I was given my deposit back, and told That someone came along with the cash in full and they sold it to them. Funny world.
Explained it perfectly Lucky.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
Just for the record! It's called a " Holding deposit " . That is to hold the vehicle , not sell to anyone else because you want it , but have not got the full payment on you, So yes , if you change your mind you forfeit that deposit. I looked at a Nissan Patrol awhile back and loved it,so put down $100 deposit. When my partner said she was going to put her sisters two dogs in it and take them swimming at the nearby lake, and have wet dog smell all over the carpet, I rang the guy and cancelled the purchase and bought a dual cab instead so the dogs could be happy and I could be happy. Would never have dreamed of asking for the deposit back! Mind you I have seen the reverse, where I have put a Holding deposit on an item and when I came back with the rest of the money, I was given my deposit back, and told That someone came along with the cash in full and they sold it to them. Funny world.
Explained it perfectly Lucky.
X2 Lucky.....I struggle to understand any other reasoning. Cheers