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Post Info TOPIC: Greywater ain't all bad....


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Greywater ain't all bad....


We are all aware that the modern trend is to force the fitment of greywater tanks to vans as a result of the crowding that occurs at many rest stops used as camping spots, particularly when the surface at those rest areas is 'hard stand'.

Due to the crowding by travellers at unsuitable (for camping) rest areas and thoughtless use of showers etc resulting in the discharge of copious amounts of water, coupled with the decree by some RV bodies that "greywater is unacceptable", people have become paranoid about letting their sullage run free.

However, out west of Emerald the vegetation is thriving on the greywater provided by travellers - particularly at the small town van parks, camp areas and rest stops.

It is damned dry out here - we all know that. The small van parks I have been in recently are not only instructing travellers to direct their sullage hose to their gardens, grass and trees, but the management is also harvesting the greywater from the amenities block (laundry and showers) and using that on their vegetation as well.

Below is just one example of the 'out west' parks that welcome, and use daily, the greywater (note the sprinkler operating) -

Rubyvale Park 01a.jpg

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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I've been using my at home grey water on my fruit trees for around 15 years.

Sure, it is only from the washing machine & I use 'non P' washing powder.

I can also connect the ensuite shower to the grey water system but haven't bothered.


My van's grey water 'tote' system is ready to go but never used except for a single 'proving' trial.


See Ya ... Cupie


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I can understand not dropping grey water on hard stand areas, had that happen to us once in big way right in front of the A frame, they did there washing and then drove off, thinking about it these thoughtless people could of parked away from the water course area with out much trouble.

At home we gather as much grey water as we can and then share it with the shrubbery, with a bucket at other times when in the caravan we share it with the trees, no big deal.

But when asked to use a grey water tank, we do, don't have a problem with that, we are enjoying some of these alternate areas.

We are presently in a RV Park Maryborough Qld and there rule is to use a greywater tank and dump it at the dump point, mind you the grass would really love it.

Some times we just need to go with the flow.



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Lets hope that all those grey water tank users, that also travel with their fur babies, have the appropriate wee catchers in place on those babies. Now, the stations that let their cattle roam?



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It's not only those livestock S@#$$#*g and P#^^#*G all over the place, but what about all of the wildlife, although we are quickly wiping them out.

It's just gotta stop.


BYW .. I was reading that we need to do something about breeding cattle that don't burp so much,  which is impacting on global warming.  It seems that burping is more serious than farting.  Perhaps burpless food/grass could be the answer or even having anti burp medication added to drinking water.


Mostly codswallop IMHO.

-- Edited by Cupie on Friday 21st of September 2018 12:36:21 PM


See Ya ... Cupie



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During the drought in Vic of about 10-15 years ago we were all encouraged to run our washing machine water onto the ground. We did that. Shower water apparently is OK too. Its the sink water (food scraps) thats the problem and thats why some van parks dont want grey water on the ground.



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Thoughtful folk have a sink strainer so food scraps aren't discharged ... but I concede some are not as thoughtful. hmm

Cheers - John

-- Edited by rockylizard on Monday 24th of September 2018 08:53:58 PM


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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rockylizard wrote:


Thoughtful folk have a sink strainer so food scraps aren't discharged ... but I concede some are not as thoughtful. hmm

Cheers - John

-- Edited by rockylizard on Monday 24th of September 2018 08:53:58 PM

 Just put a bit of stocking over the end to catch solids.


See Ya ... Cupie


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We have been asked at a few places caravan parks and Showgrounds over the years to release our grey water onto there dry dying grass ,and there will be others here as well that hnow this is true,and when you return and see all the nice green patches where The Rvs were parked you can see the sense in it. But there is a huge motor home club We all know who it is beating its chest playing the big righchouse greenie card saveing the environment ,trying to force people into haveing these tanks installed at great expense to some people ,who cant afford it,or have vehicles that cant have them fitted,to me its just common sense dont let your water go on hard surfaces, strain your food partials,carry a plastic drum to catch the water at the odd place were your camped,not being forced into haveing your rv modified to fit these tanks because some big hero motorhome club is playing the do gooder righcheose hero card biggrin



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I always (at least once a day), drain my grey water tank into a bucket, and water a tree/shrub/grass

This gives me a bit of exercise, and the tree/shrub/grass gets a drink

I have just returned from a trip to the north of West Australia, and then the wild flower area of WA

I was pleasantly surprised, to find that the free camps I stayed at, were mostly free of rubbish

I did notice that some people, were just letting their grey water drop on the ground, (just before they left), while they were on bitumen/gravel/packed hard stand
I am not a gardener, but I do not think that too much will grow, on bitumen/gravel/packed hard stand

I can confirm, that after you have used a bucket for carrying grey water, if you leave the bucket on its side, facing the sun, (with a rock, to stop it rolling away)
After the sun has dried the bucket, there is no smell



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