Euthanise the mongrol and donate whatever good organs he may posses to ppl in need.
Euthanising would be far too kind for that type of scumbag. I say tie him to a pole in a fenced yard surrounded by emus & let them take good care of him
Euthanise the mongrol and donate whatever good organs he may posses to ppl in need.
Euthanising would be far too kind for that type of scumbag. I say tie him to a pole in a fenced yard surrounded by emus & let them take good care of him
Or maybe on an anthill wearing nothing but a little honey.
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
He has been caught and charged with several animal cruelty offences, using a mobile phone and speeding.The idiot filmed the whole thing then turns the camera around to show his ugly face,so we all know what he looks like,another disappointing thing is he is a Victorian.
-- Edited by 2foot6 on Friday 21st of September 2018 08:44:06 PM
Some politicians and babies nappies should be changed often for the same reason.Oh crap,did I write that?
I really wonder about him as a human, to intentionally do what he did and laugh and brag about it.......l just hope he never becomes a father.....his mentality is beyond comprehension , for the life of me l can't see why any sane person would find this funny......
All Australian native wildlife is protected by law, heavy penalties apply to those that destroy it.
Yep ... throw the book at the fool ... as they often say "animals today - people tomorrow".
There are also "heavy penalties" for "destroying" human life ... these "heavy penalties" will never be a deterrent to humans killing each other or other life.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Oh I have just seen this, how sad and actually quite disturbing.
I agree with all other posts, please I hope this poor excuse for a human being is prosecuted to the maximum.
This has saddened my Saturday.