Banglabill here asking how do I remove a skylight from the roof of my 2012 Bushmaster bluegum caravan I can see the name REGIS on the plastic cover but I cannot see any visible screws to get the thing off the roof so I can seal it, it is the one over the bed. We are not using it at the moment but will be soon.
If anyone can help me or point to where I can get some information I would be very grateful, it has only started to leak, it leaks on the side where the fly-wire folds into.
As a plumber I have fixed many leaks, but it all depends on the problem. You see if the vent is good and working my first thought is to do a thorough clean up around the thing and then re seal it.
If you have decided to do a replacement with say a nice fan in it then simply grind at it to roof lvel and the thing will soon come off. It is a good idea to first of all get a penet ration size prior to wishfully thinking of a replacement though.
If you bugger it all up.... Bunnings do sell sheets of clear plastic to do a temp patch.
I did tell you that I may not be a lot of use...
-- Edited by dieseltojo on Monday 17th of September 2018 05:31:31 PM