Definitely a windy (as in many bends) old road in places, but good bitumen all the way. As long as your setup can cope with a steepish, windy route you'll be ok. From memory not many places to pull over to let following traffic through. A lovely scenic drive though.
Windy ????
travel with van on the road all the time [come through just this Monday] never any issues, and it saves pulling up the hill if you carry on through Peachester
You will have no problems Phum.
If the road has black top onto it you should have no problem which it has , Maybe if we drive to conditions we would never have a problem , If people are scared of some roads maybe they shouldn't be out there towing a caravan .
If the road has black top onto it you should have no problem which it has , Maybe if we drive to conditions we would never have a problem , If people are scared of some roads maybe they shouldn't be out there towing a caravan .