I understand the scepticism, however it was direct from a friend who stayed there last night, I have the photo however to post it would breach that friends trust. I'm sure it will be talked about soon. Mechanics ute full of tools sunk and the new loader that went to retrieve it. Will post photo if story gets out on Facebook. I don't have Facebook so cannot check.
The loader, a Volvo and the V8 Cruiser tray back are/were bogged on 80 mile beach.
Story is that the tide went out, beached the owners boat and he took the car out to tow the boat over the sand back closer to shore ,got stuck, called in the Dozer which then got stuck as well.
Apparently the tide had been over both at least 3 times.
I saw the photo's on face book so I know its true.
In fact it was the centre (aiming) point of the Woomera Rocket Range.
The famous road builder Len Beadell, he of Gunbarrel Highway & the majority of the early inland roads fame, constructed lots of the roads & facility sites to service the rocket range.
When I was up at 80 mile many years ago, an early morning drive along the beach especially after high tides or heavy weather, would reveal lots of giant sea shells. But you had to be up & about early. The tide goes out seemingly forever & comes back in as fast as you can walk. A great spectacle. We caught lots of big Aussie Salmon on the high tide off the beach just in front of the CP.
80 mile beach was a gem for us. My wife has trouble walking on sand and over sand dunes. Here I could just drive her thru a path in the dunes and park on the sand. Above high tide mark. The esky, a picnic, a deck chair and watching the sun go down was just brilliant.