couldn't you find an australian photo for the web page ? just saying, its the first thing I saw .
I am not that computer literate Outlaw40, sorry. I am hoping Caravanning Qld will come good with the photos they have promised for the last 18 months next week when I meet with them. I just ran with what I have available till the sponsors come on board.
Sorry rainmaker while i wish you all the best I disagree with the a truck driver myself ( now retired ) with the exception of wide loads and road trains on outback roads i do not believe trucks should require any special consideration, except common courtesy that we should extend to any other road user. these fellows are supposed to be professional drivers and as such should be able to deal with whatever happens on our highways and byways. turn on the uhf and see whether the truck drivers of today are giving us any courtesy. before the haters start this is my opinion (which i am entitled to ) . as with trucks, caravans and all other road users you will find the good the bad and the ugly. why fuel the idea that its all the caravans fault, but as i said good luck with it
A good initiative Ken - anything that informs all road users of the need to be aware and observant of potential hazards and how to be prepared is valuable.
However, in my opinion, I think you might need to reword this bit from the website -
"Often the people who can afford the cost of the caravan and the cost of time to enjoy the lifestyle are nearing or who have entered retirement. Some retirees often have slower reflexes, may be on medication."
The same message could be conveyed (misinterpreted?) this way -
Often the people who enjoy the trucking working life and lifestyle are nearing or who have entered the retirement age group. Some truckies often have slower reflexes, may be on medication.
I am aware the site is still in its construction phase, so perhaps the 'introduction' needs to acknowledge that ALL road users are made up of those nearing or close to retirement, have slower reflexes, may be on medication etc and that EVERYONE needs to have an understanding of the wide range of capabilities (or lack of) one can expect to encounter on the open road ... probably even more so in the urban and suburban environment.
Otherwise, good to see information for all sides of the fence getting promulgated.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan