Never trust what you see on TV her same as you dont trust a politician.
In SA it is very dry and the little rain we did get this week wont do any good without some decent follow up rain, crops are either very short and thin or non existing.
Farming is a hard business and is not cut and dried. Too much rain is often as bad as not enough as the farmers has to try and judge when the rain will fall to sow the crop at the right time so it will germinate before the mice etc dont get it and then enough rain through out the growing season to make if produce grain to pay for the seed, fuel etc etc and hopefully make money to live.
City people should try and do their gardening the same. Spend your money on seedlings or seeds and put them in and then no watering at least a month before planting and then nothing till the produce is picked, see how you go.
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
Keith, I don't know of the conditions where the show was filmed but we're in SW Vic at the moment & while it is wet here on the coast, you don't have to go far to see the conditions of the dams even in the Grampians.
We went through Central NSW in February - what the stock were eating, I don't know, perhaps recycled manure! I know that was summer but there was not even any dry grass to be seen. You don't have to go very far west of the Great Divide to see drought in the three eastern states. Most of Qld has been in drought for five years - Townsville was only saved at huge cost by pumping water from the Burdekin Dam.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Keith, I live and work out Nyngan way and I can assure you there is not a blade of grass out there. Only last week I was out on the Bogan river and it is bone dry. It may have been the latest episode, however it was filmed some time ago. The Bogan only flows fast in times of flood. The footage in the program was filmed just above the weir.
This was February here. You can see dry, dead grass in this picture. That's gone now, it is all just churned up dust.... We are out in it twice a week, and we see the difference week to week as it dries out even more.
If you have been thru Nyngan you would realise that when you cross the Bogan you cross the back up from the weir. The caravan park where everyone was camped does have a nice grassy area. as for the river flowing strongly take a look on google maps.