Next morning the guy wakes up, grabs a shovel & digs a shallow hole just a meter away from a picnic table & takes a dump. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
There are a lot of inconsiderate types out there. I have stayed in a lot of places & am sick of the sight of toilet paper everywhere, not to mention the spots they have dropped their load on the edge of tracks or close to water.
These morons will be the first to wonder why they close places down from camping!
We used to visit the CQ Gemfields until about 12 years ago, but even then, there were a few who had no idea of keeping the bust tidy, let alone personal hygiene.
One character (if I may use the term character loosely) used to camp in a tent and when the urge came over him, he would simply wander out of the tent, around the side, drop his trousers and do his business. Okay, this was at Tomahawk Creek, but he made no attempt to clean up his rubbish nor his human waste. Sadly, this bloke was looking to get into a meaningful relationship with a woman and remarry. Dunno how he ended up.
Dave (Nutgrass)
Carpe Diem - Seize the day!
You never get a second chance at a first impression, so make the first a good one.
People in caravans and motor homes these days usually have ensuite facilities ,back packers jammed into little vans living rough and untidy on top of each other ,with no proper facilities ,with wiki camps leading them to all the good spots,could that be the problem .
People in caravans and motor homes these days usually have ensuite facilities ,back packers jammed into little vans living rough and untidy on top of each other ,with no proper facilities ,with wiki camps leading them to all the good spots,could that be the problem .
They might all have en-suites but how many of them use them fully for liquids AND solids?
We've met heaps of people on the road that use their en-suite purely for the wife's wee at night & nothing else. Some use it purely as a wardrobe.
Some buy caravans with an en-suite that they never use purely because they are easier to sell than a caravan without one
That's why you see caravans with en-suits clustered around toilet facilities along with the back packers in little vans.
Another reason is that some blokes don't like emptying cassettes. It doesn't bite it's only sh*t.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Hahahahahahaha, I meet them ALL!!! If I had a buck for every deluded, degenerate that is 'looking for a girlfriend' I wouldn't need to draw my wages lol.
I don't know what it is about them, they've often dropped the bundle completely, yet somehow think they still deserve to slip into someone else's life, and that they will be gratefuL.
Hahahahahahaha, I meet them ALL!!! If I had a buck for every deluded, degenerate that is 'looking for a girlfriend' I wouldn't need to draw my wages lol.
I don't know what it is about them, they've often dropped the bundle completely, yet somehow think they still deserve to slip into someone else's life, and that they will be gratefuL.
i keep saying I'm going to write a book lol.
Don't laugh too much, there are plenty of deluded elderly ladies looking for boyfriend too. Everyone needs a little companionship even in their latter years.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
I always find it very interesting how the subject moves away from the original topic but i will continue on with the reasons why people have ensuites in their vans.
In our last five vans we have had full ensuites the main and only reason is that we want our home comforts when we are away in the outback and also in caravan parks.In having an ensuite it doesnt matter how clean or dirty the parks facilities are because we have no need to use them.
We use our ensuite all the time for showers and all toilet needs.
I always park as far away from the bathrooms as we can normally along with a lot of other vans with ensuites in them.
When it is time to sell we will get what someone is willing to offer for it.
The value of anything is what someone will give you for it.
Regards Birdo
having all the home comforts while birdwatching in our wonderful outback.