My concern would be for those who have paida deposit.
Will they get their money back. Who knows.
My theary is that the Industry should have a Trust Account setup of sorts, so that the deposit is held in Grust.
Now if in the event of manufacture closing down etcetc, then that cash is safe
When the order for the new unit is ready for the buyer to take possession, the the trust account money togetherwith the buyers balance of dollars would then be paid to the manufacture.
If the buyer reneges on the deal, then the deposit is lost to the manufacture.
Thats been on the cards for a while from what I gather, the only way that liquidators will help anyone is if they have paid a small deposit and their vehicle is near completion , by finishing it they will get a better return for them to bastardise , liquidators are bottom feeding scum , if they check over the books and think theres no money in it for them , forget returns to any creditors , they'll wind it up and move on quickly . If theres money there to be had they'll suck it dry so creditors get zippo. Forgive me if I sound negative but as a previous creditor to liquidated co's I have been on the receiving end of a stream of letters that they CH $300 for a secretary to type up and $500 for a jnr partner to dictate .
Not at all surprised, they built units that were great quality but over complicated to use. You needed to be a brain surgeon to set one up. The ''onboard central command computer system'' on their larger units is a nightmare.