Don't know what they're upset about, we're willing to donate five hundred bucks.
i suggest that you follow your own advice, before your hole gets even deeper.
Talking about holes, it's about time you disappeared down yours.
It's a real pity when sensible threads are corrupted by pests like yourself.
On a more sensible note if any members or the moderator would like to set up a charitable fund for the homeless on the forum we'd be more than willing to contribute to it.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Don't know what they're upset about, we're willing to donate five hundred bucks.
i suggest that you follow your own advice, before your hole gets even deeper.
Talking about holes, it's about time you disappeared down yours.
It's a real pity when sensible threads are corrupted by pests like yourself.
On a more sensible note if any members or the moderator would like to set up a charitable fund for the homeless on the forum we'd be more than willing to contribute to it.
Two opposite views, both containing a lot of truths and each having merit that should be considered.
The first could leave the impression that nothing short of a revolution will fix our sorry world. The second is in danger of leaving the viewer with the view that the world is just fine, we can all continue without any real concerns.
The truth, as always, lays somewhere in between.
There Comes a time in life, when you must walk away from all drama and the people who create it.
Very sad that a feel-good OP can morph into a thread that's become fraught with personal insults and a bunch of ideologies for fixing all the world's social problems. Seems like everything in here has to get so bloody competitive. NONE of us has the real solution, only an opinion. Meanwhile if we do one small thing for somebody in need, then we've made a difference.
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
Some people out there are to proud to accept centrelink and don't want to be seen to failure .
That statement presupposes that people have a choice to accept Centrelink or not.
If people indeed have such a choice, clearly they don't need it and the rules and regs should be in place to prohibit them obtaining it.
Our social safety nets are there for the people who have no choice.
If anyone then sees that person as a "Failure" I would tend to look down at the person making that judgement rather than the person accepting help.
I read that statement as there are people who maybe entitled to some sort of benefit but feel they are a failure if they claim it because they may have been self sufficient all their lifes. not everyone who claims a benefit is entitled but im sure that there is a lot of people who are entitled don't claim for one reason or another
Some people out there are to proud to accept centrelink and don't want to be seen to failure .
That statement presupposes that people have a choice to accept Centrelink or not.
If people indeed have such a choice, clearly they don't need it and the rules and regs should be in place to prohibit them obtaining it.
Our social safety nets are there for the people who have no choice.
If anyone then sees that person as a "Failure" I would tend to look down at the person making that judgement rather than the person accepting help.
I read that statement as there are people who maybe entitled to some sort of benefit but feel they are a failure if they claim it because they may have been self sufficient all their lives. not everyone who claims a benefit is entitled but I'm sure that there is a lot of people who are entitled don't claim for one reason or another
There are currently instances where those entitled aren't claiming ... apparently, many farmers in the drought-stricken areas are not applying for their rightful benefit but are continuing to struggle financially ...praps through 'pride', or because of the rigmarole they have to go through.
But to live in gutters/under bridges/ and eat out of rubbish bins seems to be more of an indication of "failure" than having a Centrelink card and benefit.
.........and before yez jump on the use of the word "failure" I concede that that "failure" may be due to a wide range of circumstances that were completely out of the person's control - including health issues ... BUT people will see "failure" more easily when the person is in the gutter and eating outta bins than if they had a Centrelink card in their wallet/pocket.
Jest sayin'
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Sunday 29th of July 2018 09:51:39 AM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Hello farmhat, you did the right thing. Most people are only 3 pays away from homlessness. If someone is in need, help where you can And be generous of your time. I live by this motto: if someone is hungry, always give them something to eat.
heaven forbid, if we ever have a war on our soil, many who think they would never be homeless, will be in for a big shock. Anyone can become homeless overnight through no fault of their own. And i do worry about our young ones with jobs being automated etc. anyway, thats another subject.
I read that statement as there are people who maybe entitled to some sort of benefit but feel they are a failure if they claim it because they may have been self sufficient all their lifes. not everyone who claims a benefit is entitled but im sure that there is a lot of people who are entitled don't claim for one reason or another
I agree. There was more than one way to read the original statement. I saw one only. I stand corrected.
There Comes a time in life, when you must walk away from all drama and the people who create it.
About 15 years ago we were living in Maputo, Mozambique where many in the population were living in poverty and disease. There were no safety nets, the police, medical and emergency services only existed for those with money. Services such as power, water and electricity were luxuries and were non existent in many villages or shanty areas within the city. Lots of people lived on the streets and relied on begging and what people threw away just to survive. Although we would have loved to help everyone it was impossible so we targetted just a few and tried to at least improve their lot in life. All the Aussie expats got together and sent requests home for people to keep their old clothing and when anyone went back they would bring clothes with them and dole them out to the needy - we would often see Rip Curl, Billabong clothing etc. being worn proudly by those who previously only owned rags. My wife and I chose to support 3 young boys who sold cheap groceries on the side of the road using a wooden box as a counter (where they got the groceries from I have no idea) but a lot of people used to do the same thing. Their ages were probably 6, 8 and 10 both their parents had died from Aids so they were living with their old grandfather in a village that was behind our compound. We gave them clothing, dropped them food and drink and even a little money - when we left they had a table, a beach umbrella and even a shipping container to keep their stock in. The best part was that they could also now afford to pay the fees and take turns in attending the school that was just down the road which was a kindergarten in the morning, a primary school in the afternoon and a high school at night. We didn't change a lot in the year we were ther but at least I know 3 kids who got an opportunity that they wouldn't have had. Yes Australia is a lucky country and until you have lived in places like these you don't appreciate exactly how lucky we actually are.
Well done Farmhat you made a difference for at least for 1 person that day.
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Monday 30th of July 2018 10:34:49 AM
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Monday 30th of July 2018 10:48:05 AM
Hello farmhat, you did the right thing. Most people are only 3 pays away from homlessness. If someone is in need, help where you can And be generous of your time. I live by this motto: if someone is hungry, always give them something to eat.
Thanks everyone for your input.
The rocket, I agree that many people are only 3 pays from disaster, which for many could mean homelessness.
So many go through life with no thought of what could be done to better insulate themselves from this, or even that there is a need.
I have a view that various life skills should be taught at school. How much better off economically could individuals end up, indeed the country as a whole, especially in this have it now pay later world.