I suspect these will be made from thin pressed steel which means they will have a relatively short life before the heat and rust corrode them away but that could still be five years or so and for $85 that's not too bad additionally they won't weigh much.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Mate just got one for $99.00 free postage, as mike said they are thin and lightweight but should last a few years. It is fairly light so well suited to a caravan.
Ok, They are not made of cast iron. But it will do to biol the billy and to cook a mean on.
Also will do a good job boiling the Red Claw etc etc. Plus should be a good heater in the winter.
I had a 15L sort of paint can which I adapted to use as a cooker etc etd. It lasted me 5 years before the bottom of the can gave way. Also I do not now need to take the stand I used with the old tin cooker.
It is not as good as "the pig"" but for $85. it will do me.